Very underrated

I keep hearing everyone list this as one of the worst comic book movies. They treat it no better than The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers or something, and that's total BULLSH!T. This is a good, fun comic book adventure film. And I dare say, the sequel isn't any better or worse. I mean, I think after Spider-Man 2 and X2, everyone expected far too much of this movie. But, I don't know if it's possible to make a seriously great art film with these characters and themes. So, I say, just have fun with these movies... because I get the feeling that the reboot is going to be awful.

One of the only things that doesn't quite work is a few casting choice. :: cough :: Jessica Alba :: cough :: cough::


Yes, id rather Fox should stick to X-Men and i think Marvel can do FF justice don't you think?

"If this is torture, chain me to the wall"-Oliver and Company


Most agree.

"Jury Duty is my favorite movie ever"


It's tone was ahead of the time of its release... If Fox have remade this movie instead of Trank's gritty, uncomprehensible piece of *beep* it would be a smash... But, because they haven't, they need to reboot it again...


Frankly i think this movie is like a masterpiece compared to the 2015 version. I mean sure this movie is pretty cheesy. But at least its not mind numbingly boring. And the casting is a lot better.


I read a lot of the FF comics at the end of the 80's and early 90's and i felt especially Ben and Johnny were spot on.

I didn't like this Dr Doom though.

These movies are underrated yes.

