MovieChat Forums > Enemy of the State (1998) Discussion > This movie should be remade!

This movie should be remade!

This movie is prescient about surveillance in a post 9-11 Patriot Act world. If remade, they could incorpate GPS with cell phones, activating cameras on laptops/iPhones/iPads/etc, e-mail interloping, and lowjack-style car control. It could be awesome. Like 'Eagle Eye,' but good.

Have u ever transcended space & time? Yes. No. Uh time, not space. No, I dont knw wht ur talkng abt


" If remade, they could incorpate GPS with cell phones, etc"

I think it is relevant and entertaining just as it is.

You could use the same argument ad nauseam with any film involving a technological narrative thread.


If remade, the video tape has to be uploaded and all over youtube. It won't be entertaining at all. lol



With online videos, the whole movie would have little point.
You'd need to change the story a lot more, and it wouldn't be a remake anymore.


Not a remake, but certainly an unconnected sequel with maybe a bit of cameo for Will Smith. The advances in technology and techniques would be very interesting to see. Not sure if Gene Hackman's character could be used again, maybe somebody he took under his wing and speaks about him would work though. Either way, the idea behind the format could be reused over and over again, and Hollywood seem to be exceptionally good at that sort of thing!


This movie is so ripe for a remake. I would give it a different much darker ending.


>>> This movie is so ripe for a remake

My guess is that the poster of this comment is under 25, and probably under 20.

The movie is 15 years old. I think this is the record for most recent movie that people are calling for a remake. I wonder if we'll eventually see movies a decade old or less that people are calling for a remake.

It should be against the law to use "LOL" unless you really did LOL!


Dude Spider Man wins that. Spider Man 3 was 2007 and the Amazing Spider Man is 2012. I dont know if people were calling for the remake but to certainly was less then a decade lol


More examples in the superhero genre:
Hulk 2003 - The Incredible Hulk 2008
Batman & Robin 1997 - Batman Begins 2005
Superman Returns 2006 - Man of Steel 2013


That's a licensing thing I believe, same with FF4.


Not a remake, but certainly an unconnected sequel with maybe a bit of cameo for Will Smith.

In much the same way The Conversation (Hackman 1974) is related to this, I could've seen in another 10-15 years a similar film where Smith plays a role in a new film the much Hackman played a role in Enemy of the State.
Problem lies therein that we are left assuming Smith's life returned to normal Lawyer type work after the whole fiasco.

That said, it should not be remade, it is one of the single best films. From the get go with the opening music until the closing credits it is non stop full of action.

Perhaps instead of a remake, they could do a spinoff off someone like Jack Black or Seth Greens' characters. Like a follow up on what they are up to now, or a film on their initial training and what have you.

That said, if you liked the whole feel thisfantastic film put out there a many other great films to be watched. Remakes are not necessary, ever.


Either way, the idea behind the format could be reused over and over again, and Hollywood seem to be exceptionally good at that sort of thing!

No, Hollywood are exceptionally bad at that sort of thing. Because they are creatively-bereft and run by accountants who wish to remove as much risk as possible against a return on investment. Which is why there aren't any daring or weird Hollywood movies any more... to put it mildly!


How about we just lay off the remakes for a while and try coming up with some orignal stories (there are some out there!)

Never defend crap with "It's just a movie"


How about we just lay off the remakes for a while and try coming up with some orignal stories (there are some out there!)

Yes! Exactly!


How about we just lay off the remakes for a while and try coming up with some orignal stories ...
My sentiments exactly.🐭


YES, thank you. I don't know where these "remake" morons come from but they're on damn near every message board for a great film, even for barely average films.

I spend my money on dope, sex and cheap thrills.
The rest of it, I waste.


The remake is already here, it's called CitizenFour


Bah! YOU should be remade! No, correction: You should be replaced! hehehehehe


Why would you want to remake it? What makes this movie so great is the fact that it was so prescient. It was ahead of the culture. Doing a remake now would be pointless. Everyone knows that the NSA is doing this stuff now. The whole point of the film was to explore the topic in a naive time just before "the fall" so to speak. We're not naive anymore, this isn't surprising.

Besides, they've already done several films in this vein since 9/11 and they lose their catchiness because its all expected by the audience. At least with the age of this film it can still have some of that effect because the audience can recognize the prescience.

Its just like the whole Oil/resource war thing with Three Days of the Condor in the late 70s. It was riding the wave of a new mindset as the culture was changing. There is little meaning in having a film try to capture that after the fact.

Remakes exist purely to monetize a recognizable and nostalgia laden brand. It has little artistic merit on its own. Its basically bankrupt creatively to just copy something else. Its not like music with covers.


If they ever do remake it please don't make the wife so annoying or if they do please kill her off so we feel a little vindication lol




How about no?

You stand here sucker. You made me do this - Jeremy Renner
