i have to admit, this movie is a guilty pleasure for me. i remember when it first came out and my brother and I loved it (you cant blame us, we were young). then it came out on vhs and we rented it and watched it over and over and over. we loved it!


so...what you're saying here're gay?


don't worry man...i love this movie too.


i loved it as watching it as we speak


I can remember watching it on Disney @ 1 am in the morning. I so wish they would put it on DVD. My VHS is getting worn out! :)


I agree with you, bro. This is a fun, feel good, funny movie. This movie never fails to let me down when I need to be cheered up or have a laugh.


dude, i totally am gay! how did you guess? but im a girl. not a boy. fyi.



Well I haven't been young for years now, and I love this film. Sure it's stupid (stoopid?), but it's genuinely funny and has an excellent soundtrack. Can't understand all the hate for this film.


Yeah, there are some dumb parts. But honestly, some of it had me rolling. There's some true comedic gems buried in all the cheese...

"Look, Hank. Have you ever seen such a beautifully punted baby?" - King of the Hill


Yes, there are some truly subversive lines here. I hated this film for the first half-hour, but once I adjusted my expectations, it grew on me.


Yeah, I could've done without some of the toilet humor, other then that this was a pretty fun film, though you gotta wonder if Paul Walker is ashamed to have this film on his resume now.


this is a great film. hilarious! I love it. I have a friend who is VERY conservative and she was laughing so hard she started crying at the "squirrels hide nuts" line, I could hardly believe it. I do so wish they'd put this out on (region 1) DVD format!
