
The movie "Civil Action" was about this high paid, well known injury lawyer that was all about the money. John Tervolta, who played Jane in the movie, acts like he cares about the clients thinks that it is bad for the case to get personal. Jane doesnt want to take on this case about how all these kids got lukima, and how the parents think its the water. He doesn't want to take it on in the first place because there is no big company to sue but when he finds out there is he takes the case. Jane and his co-workers but all their money into this one case untill they are completly broke. They ended up finally settleing on a horrible price that didnt really pay that that much, but he was still not saticfied. Jane lost his big time name and went to a little office in a lower side of town. He finally went back to that one case and found more information but couldnt afford to keep it, so he gave it to a different laywer. They ended up winning that case and gettin enought money to clean up thier town and have more money from the companys that pionsoned the water.


It was sad that he was all about money, but I think this case changed him! After spending all his money, I think it really changed him for the best!


It was good that the two could settle so that Jan could get money back to pay his partners so that they did not have to give up their whole lives becasue he wanted to keep going. So it was good that he finally did excepted money for his partners and the families he was working for.


i like how you descibed the movie and i think the movie was good with some good points


I agree and couldn't think of anything more to put in with this. Other than maybe telling how you felt about this.


You described the movie very well. It tells about the main points and you go into small detail about each point! thats awsome!


This is a good summary of the story, but maybe you could have went into a little more detail with the families and what they wanted out of this situation.


Jan was an excellent lawyer that he sacrified all his money just to solve a case about kids getting cancer. He really took into consideration how others felt and tryed to make everything better. He did end up losing all his money and never finished the case.
