this was a great movie

i thought that this was a great movie. this movie was about a lawyer who tried to help a little town figure out who has contaminated the drinking water. really the only thing that these people want is an apology from the people who did it and for the water to be cleaned up. the two companies who contaminated the water were W.R. Grace and Beatrice. Jan, the lawery, was not a very rich lawery compared to the ones who were defending the the two companies. it ends up that the case is settled so no one really wins. at the end of the trial Jan has lost everything. his house, his car, his money, and his partners. the one good part was when the firecracker was thrown into the river and it erupted into flame.


It was really sad to see that Jan had lost everything for the case, but it was very heroic that he put all that on the line to try and help these families! But it was a great movie!


ummm......yeah i agree that this movie was great. ummm......see ya!


I also really enjoyed this movie, I also liked the part of the movie where the fire cracker exploded on the water.


I liked the fire cracker part to. Actually Jan was really rich he just had a smaller firm and didnt go to Harvard. Jan did get the people 8 million dollars but it wasnt that much in the end.


The boys throwing the firecracker into the water really was a good thing. It was really good when they finally came forward and told what they had done. That gave the evidence needed to end the case.


Yes, this movie was a good movie..I enjoyed it very much also. i think the part when the fire cracker was thrown into the water was scary to think that actually happened and it was just gross! All in all your description of the movie was good! WELL DONE!


It was a great movie! He ended up finding out what had happened to the water. But couldn't do anything about it. The two companies that keep contaminating the water, didn't seem to care about the people in the town. It was sad that Jan lost everything. My favorite part was when they start the trial.


I think that you could have spent a little more time talking about what happened in the movie. But all in all it was a pretty good summary.
