Which book was better?

It's probably been asked before... but which book did you prefer? mcnabs or ryans?

personally i preferred chris ryans, but think both are great reads.

I also think that although the story may be exagerrated he still got across the country to the border, an impressive feat i thought!



I suggest Soldier Five by Mike Coburn (AKA 'Mark' in the film and books), he tries to set the record on what happened.


They are both good if you take them as a work of fiction.


Except that they're not a work of fiction...

"Kevlar is for pussies"




I liked "The One That..." a lot, but it suffered for being much shorter than "Bravo..." Especially if you put "Immediate Action" next to "Bravo...", then "...One..." starts to look very stingy indeed.
I enjoy reading McNab's accounts of a soldier's and Special Forces operative's life more I think, but I slightly prefer Ryan's fiction.



Another one of them released a book about it, can;t remember the name of it.. soldier something?

anyone read it?


soldier five by mike coburn

"Kevlar is for pussies"





i prefer 'the one that got away' i also think that chris ryans fiction is better than Andy McNabs


Yup, Ryan is MUCH better at fiction than McNab. Probably why you like The One That Got Away so much...

"Kevlar is for pussies"


I don't know why you people keep calling these books 'fiction'. Sure some of it may be fictionalized, to the extent that ALL true accounts are somewhat fiction, but the story is most likely accurate in every sense. Just because unbelievable stuff happens it's untrue? This is the SAS we're talking about, people, they are paid to make unbelievable stuff happen.


No, you're thinking of Santa Claus.

I think they meant their actual fiction books. Not the B2O books.

"Kevlar is for pussies"


Bravo Two Zero. It actually improves with every read.
