
Ugh, I rented this. Thought it looked awesome plus it had the freakin highlander in it. Looking at imdb now... I'm starting to think I should have checked imdb first. Stupid impulses!

I've heard it's cheesy. I can deal with that, hell I didn't mind Masters of the Universe. So if I could get through MotU maybe there is hope for this one.

What do you all think?


It's dumb, it's soundtrack is turned up louder than dialouge, there's a half-naked woman sleep-screwing people ...

But it's entertaining

It's one of those movies you don't need a lot of brain for, and I find it amusing because it's not SUPPOSED to be amusing. Layla Roberts, who plays Grendels mother, looks as though she's having fun throughout most of it. Her main requirements are to say her lines and show her breasts, but she has this smirk on her like everyone's going to die and she knows it. After all, it's almost no diferent from the former Playmates day job

The onyl irritating thing apart from the soundtrack is Kyra, she really is exceedinly irritating to the extreme with her bratty ways

Oh, and apparently, men in this movie don't need to take their clothes off to have sex. The greatest hallmakr of a dumb but mildly entertaining movie

It's one you play in the background while you're doing stuff. I have the DVD for that, the fact it made me discover Juno Reactor's "God is God" and Layla Roberts smirking all the time as people get eaten


A bit like Charlie's Angels in that respect (no brainer). But hey, who was actually taking the movie seriously when they watched it?

Personally, being a bought up on a farm and being used to carnage, i found it to be so halarious! The blood everywhere and the obviously fake corpses on poles.

Maybe when they were having so much fun doing the soft-core porno for this movie they should've taken the special fx people out to and abbatoir to see a real corpse (even if its only an animal). Imagine their faces! And hopefully the upchucking that would've followed!!
And even a crash corse in doing special fx would've been an improvement. I could make more convincing smoke (at the end) by filming someone smoking a cigarette. But remember this isn't our universe, maybe smoke really does look like that in the 6th century. lol.

But hey, Beowulf's supposed to be "slighly different" and "mysterious" how else could he have hacked off Grendel's left arm and magically make his right appear on the ground? or was it the other way around? Funny stuff!

The only REALLY good part of the movie was the techno soundtrack, but, of course, its not available in australia. Bummer. And it was only a limited release (prolly cause the ppl in the movie realised that Lambert can't act to save his life, and being a sad middle aged git, they couldn't expect much sex appeal on his part)

But i love to see how uncoordinated he looks when hes unnessecarily flipping all over the place.

Serously though, a good movie if your in the mood for a piss take, and some decent techno music.
