MovieChat Forums > Beowulf (1999) Discussion > One of the most inovative movies ever ma...

One of the most inovative movies ever made!

This is one of the best movies of 1999,made after the matrix it combines mortal kombat with medieval fantasy and sword play all set in an futuristic post apocaliptic setting.The world where the action takes place it is an universe filled with unseen dangers and dark magiks everywhere.The main character played by Mr.Lambert does his job really well his voice and acting adding to the atmosphere of the movie.The fight scenes are one of the best ever seen and the fast paced music that goes with them really delivers an adrenaline rush.If you haven't seen this movie grab a copy right now!


Not to mention other elements that add to the atmosphere really well: the clothes ,the weapons, the look of the castle inside and out all this help to create one of the best mystery-horror settings ever made!


This Guy Is not Crazy, He Is just one of the Producers and is trying to make a little money back that he Wasted on this POS film.


What have you been snorting? Please understand this: this movie is *beep*. And by *beep* I mean totally *beep*. That includes the shitty plot, the shitty acting, the shitty fight scenes and the shitty characters. And it especially concerns that Lambert. My old math teacher had more charisma than that pussy Lambert.

Stop acting like a victim.


God! That was pretty *beep* harsh.

"Oh Look, a deli meat!"


I found dark "magiks" in my butt once.


this was one of the most ...ahem... innovative movies ever made ...ummm.... FOR ME TO POOP ON!


YES YES YES YES YES i sssssssssooooooooo agree with you gt500ro i LOVE this movie and it just made me think if the mvoie is this good then i wonder how good the poem will be so this movie just makes me want to read the poem so i'm gonna go find the poem and READ IT YAAAAAAAYYYYYY GOOOOO BEOWULF

even the bunny? YES EVEN THE BUNNY


Well, it's definitely NOT the worst movie I've ever seen, but it does sucks... For me it's not because of the acting (Lambert does all he can to save the film, and he's quite good as an immortal warrior... oups, remind me of something), nor because of the plot, quite interesting, but the way it's directed is just plain stupid... The fight scenes are alright, but the sfx are lousy, and in the end it's just dull... Too bad, could have been a good one...



I have no clue either what you were watching or what you were smoking, but this movie was just terrible. How Ebert felt dirt after watching Battlefield Earth? That's how I felt after this. Now, I know that comparing movies to their sources is a dumb idea, but I must say this. If there is a part of Beowulf that can be cut, it's the entire dealing with Grendel and his mother. The point and heart of the poem is his confrontation with the dragon. In the end, not only did the filmakers take out the most important part, in an effort to create a modern sense of character, Grendel is Hrothgar's son. It just didn't work. I despised this movie as I do few others. It's right there with West Side Story at the bottom of my list. There is nothing redeming in this movie. I...HATE...THIS...MOVIE!!!!


i think you're forgetting that mortal kombat was a suck-ass movie. whenever a movie that is supposed to take place on earth is moved into space, it always sucks. ie "Jason X."

mortal kombat (crap) + Hercules (double crap) + Beowulf (not crap) = 2 craps. (that's 0-1-1+1=-2) overall bad movie. bad choice for outer space


Say WHAT? "Innovative"? Geez...I'm really curious: what pills did you take before watching it? Perhaps I should try them and watch it again...this movie was simply pathetic...

Omnes homines fratres sunt - quam Kain et Abel.


Sorry to look at this this, but I must say. It was common practice, especially in Caesar, to use linking verbs, such as sunt, where they would lie in an English sentence. So it would be, according to Caesar, Omnes homines sunt fratres- quam Kain(Cain, as spelled in Genesis) et Abel. All men are brothers-?whom? Cain and Abel. No translation for quam in my dictionary really made much sense. By the way, this movie blows. I wish someone in my class had watched this movie instead of reading the epic poem, just to see how badly he failed. They made up characters and totally pooped on the plot and the characters that actually did exist. Absolutely terrible.

Cicero ad mortem te loquetur. Loquetur is questionable.


Well, I'm not sure about the word order, it's been quite a while now since I actively practised Latin. I've never been an expert on Latin syntax anyway. But now that I think about it the "sunt" might be obsolete after all? As far as I can remember the "quam" can be used as "like".

The meaning I was aiming for is "All men are brothers - like Kain and Abel". Or to get it perfectly clear: it was supposed to be a sarcastic/critical statement...

Since German is my mother tongue and the name is spelled "Kain" in the Bible I've read I'd say it's quite legitimate to keep it that way ;)


P.S.: artwar is right, I feel genetically impelled to show narcistic tendencies wherever I go. Hooray.

Omnes homines fratres sunt - quam Kain et Abel.


your post is full of prejudice. you seem to be just as narzistic as the germans you talk about. making generalizations creates illiberal impressions.
think about it.

by the way, the film sucked.


I must concure in the absence of partial thoughts that the feet of christopher lambert were filled with little asian sex slaves. Worship at the feet of baal and rinse your hands with my feces. You have been freed...
