MovieChat Forums > Beowulf (1999) Discussion > I enjoyed this movie

I enjoyed this movie

I really enjoyed this movie, i had seen him once already and last night it was on TV and i saw it again. Great, this sci fi medieval setting is pretty cool, and the music is great. Acting is a bit cliché-full but thats fun. It's just a classical epos with a lot of action. Great movie, guess by its mediocre IMDB rating it's not made for everybody, but i guess for the majority of young men its a great movie. More enjoyable then watching Titanic in each case.


Yeah, i love this movie too. Ok, it is a B- movie, but so what? it is a GOOD B- movie!



Well, it has very cheap production values, so-so CGI, mediocre dialogues and a horrid techno music, and yet I still found it rather enjoyable for what it is... Maybe it was the charm of Rhona Mitra?

Remember the King!


well we all know its not a good movie. what it is, is a FUN movie. entertaining, but not quality


"Yeah, i love this movie too. Ok, it is a B- movie, but so what? it is a GOOD B- movie! "

I've enjoyed ALOT more b-films then I ever will hollywood scripted dribble.


the first chapter is talking about who the king is, hrothgar, and it introduces grendal as an ancestor of cain (from cain and abel).. the second chapter is talking about how grendal is killing all of the danes in the great hall and he just keeps eating everyone and it introduces beowulf as a super strong man who was sent on this mission to kill grendal.. the third chapter is beowulf coming to the danes land and talking to hrothgar about killing grendal, and hrothgar wants beowulf to come in and kill him because he knows he strong and that's all i got so far cause i'm only in the middle of chapter 3


Not a bad movie at all.. Watched it twice myself and thought it was pretty good both times.


Maybe half of my distain for the film is my love for the real Beowulf story. This film made me physically ill. I guess otherwise there must be people out there that can tolerate it.


this movie looks like it was made for the Sci-Fi channel because of its terrible acting and CG
