Hateful Movie

I just have to say, this is the most woman-hating mainstream movie I can remember. So many examples of how they construe women as desperate, pathetic, agressive, and hostile about marriage. Even Sarah Silverman playing the 'feminist' was a ridiculous caricature and gave her cause a bad name. I am pretty mellow on how women are portrayed in the media, but this was mean-spirited, insulting, and unfunny.


Your comment inspired me to watch this movie.


Well, I guess people see what they want to see. I thought the portrayal of men as adolescent simpletons afraid of any real commitment was an extreme generalization too, but since I understood the real intent to be humor [albeit a miserable failure in this case] I didn't mind one bit.


Chicks dig me, because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual.


Well, this movie had negative stereotypes of both sexes.



As a woman, I advise you to do this: Develop a sense of humor and lighten up. Believe it or not, there are women who behave that way.

Also, I noticed that you don't have a problem with the way some of the men are portrayed in this movie.


Well said, Livana; and thanks! 

My 150 (or so) favorite movies:


At least half the "feminists" I've met ARE ridiculous caricatures of womanhood.

You cannot erase God with an edict. - Rod Serling


Silverman was just playing her hateful, obnoxious self.

My people skills are fine. It's my tolerance of morons that needs work.


If this is the most misogynistic film you have seen then I worry about your film repertoire.

This film is one of the least offensive or sexist comedies I have seen.
