This movie is HORRIBLE!

I liked the first one when I was little, & when this first came out, I was excited & thought it would be good. Then I saw some pretty sick things happen to animals in this movie, & I'm not an animal activist or anything, but I'm surprised PETA didn't go after this one. I mean, they go after stupid causes all the time, but the one time it's needed, they ignore it.

"God will never give you anything you can't handle, so don't stress."



I still want Babe as nothing more than bacon on my plate for breakfast tomorrow...

"Good...Bad...I'm the guy with the Gun" - Army of Darkness - Ash (Bruce Campbell)


Besides the fact that there are people on set to make sure "No animal was harmed during filming." Some people are so sensitive...


The movie is ABOUT animals that have been treated cruelly. But they get through it and continue to survive. Basically, the movie`s message is "Life isn`t always fair".......and I don`t think there`s anything wrong with that.


omg! one of the worst things EVER!! i fell asleep before i got the message or any meaning of why i went to see this movie!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz -_-




Well, I guess I've said my peice... I think the movie is a step above most children's movies. I'm a student and appreciator of faerie stories in the classic mold, having grown up reading Tolkien and Lewis. Faerie stories are so different than the lame versions that Disney makes of them. They teach kids that life can be horrible, that the best people (like Cinderella) sometimes take the most abuse from the worst people, but that if you stick to your dreams in the end everything will turn out good, though not perhaps how you thought it would. "Babe: Pig in the City" is like that, it reminds me of the classic Bros. Grimm faerie tales. Most people don't want their children exposed to anything remotely resembling the real world, which partly explains why there are so many f'ed up neurotic adults in the world. We need more faerie tales, not more Freud.

To the other poster -- nightmares are good, they are a constructive part of a child's growing up and learning to face fears. Before you can face fears, you must be able to recognize them. The nightmare is unpleasant, but it can be constructive. Don't assume that anything unpleasant that happens to children is bad... sometimes kids need to be challenged spiritually as well as mentally and physically or they will emerge from the socialization process as emotionally stunted individuals.

Did I not love him, Cooch? MY OWN FLESH I DIDN'T LOVE BETTER!!! But he had to say 'Nooooooooo'



Yes, speaking of?

Did I not love him, Cooch? MY OWN FLESH I DIDN'T LOVE BETTER!!! But he had to say 'Nooooooooo'



I agree completely. Several people had recommended this movie to us as we have a Bull Terrier. What a horrible movie! I was so pained by the scenes of animal cruelty. Why on earth would someone tell a Bull Terrier lover that they should see a movie in which their dog -- one of the most lovable and loving on the planet -- is depicted as a savage attack "pit bull" who is shown drowning? DROWNING!

This was a nasty, nasty movie and if I were the parent of a young child who rented this "G" movie I would be very upset. As it is, I'm very upset!

The comic sequences are funny. But the unpleasant sequences are really inappropriate. Even "Baxter" -- which ends HORRIBLY -- didn't bother me as much as this movie did.



Thanks, Phantompanda. I really appreciate your response. I haven't told the person who recommended it, but I will the next time I see her.

The scenes where the Bull Terrier becomes Babe's protector ("Thank the pig") are wonderful. Sweet and very funny. I wish I had only seen those. Bull Terriers are tremendous clowns -- there's a reason people remember Spuds Mackenzie nearly 20 years later. But the vicious chase and the painful drowning scene were just too horrible for words. I turned to my husband and said, Even if he goes on to be the hero of the movie and the best of friends with Babe, this is too much.

If you want to see a good children's movie with a Bull Terrier in it, I recommend the original The Incredible Journey (*****).

I was upset after watching Babe: Pig in the City. On further reflection, I think it is possibly the worst movie ever made. And the fact that it is put out there as entertainment for children is criminal.





"The scenes where the Bull Terrier becomes Babe's protector ("Thank the pig") are wonderful. Sweet and very funny. I wish I had only seen those. Bull Terriers are tremendous clowns -- there's a reason people remember Spuds Mackenzie nearly 20 years later. But the vicious chase and the painful drowning scene were just too horrible for words. I turned to my husband and said, Even if he goes on to be the hero of the movie and the best of friends with Babe, this is too much."

Why? I think they redeemed it.

The thing about life is, and I'm sure you know it, you can't have the sweetness and light without the dark. It's just like how rich kids don't know how to respect money, because they've always had too much of it. I think most kid's movies, including the pap turned out by Disney, present a 100% black/white view of the world that brainwashes kids into believing that everyone and everything is either evil or good. Whereas this movie is much more complex, like Terry Gilliam's "Time Bandits", which is the film this one reminds me the most of. I'd like to think that kids would certainly be horrified at the dog drowning, they would probably be scared of the dog and so they would be somewhat happy to see him die, but then the scene shows how awful him downing really is, so the kid would start to sympathize with the dog and be happy when Babe rescues him. This is a really complex transition -- from fear to pity to joy. The fact that George Miller was able to put this into a form that could be digested and understood by children, despite how profound it is, is amazing.
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"If you want to see a good children's movie with a Bull Terrier in it, I recommend the original The Incredible Journey (*****)."

Sure, that's a good one too.
=================== ==================== ========

"I was upset after watching Babe: Pig in the City. On further reflection, I think it is possibly the worst movie ever made. And the fact that it is put out there as entertainment for children is criminal."

The worst movie ever made? Maybe for you it is, but for me it is one of the better films that has come out so far in the 21st Century. I'm looking forward to showing it to my kids when I have some -- does that make me a criminal too?

There's some pretty scary stuff in "The Wizard of Oz".... that witch gets crushed by a house and all the little munchkins are celebrating, it's pretty sadistic. Were Frank Baum and Victor Fleming criminals too?

Did I not love him, Cooch? MY OWN FLESH I DIDN'T LOVE BETTER!!! But he had to say 'Nooooooooo'


All those who think this is a horrible film because it depicts (in a very mild way) the misery and horror that humans inflict on animals need to go back to sleep.

Go on living in your safe litle fantasy land.

And for all you animal lovers who were horrified by it, what did you do about it?

Join PETA?

Become vegetarian?

Volunteer some of your time to help out at the RSPCA or local pound?

Or just sit there and whinge about what a bad man George Miller is for having the audacity to rub our complacent noses in our own crap so that we might be suitably shocked enough to make a change for the better.


Truer words were never spo....I mean typed.

Revenge is a dish best served .


I have collies and I can watch Lassie, who gets badly mauled/shot/abused at nearly every turn, but this one I just can't watch. Maybe because the animals talk? I'm not a kid - I was 30 when I saw this film, but it disturbed me still. It was sad, dark, depressing, and not in a good way. I like dark movies but not this load of junk.
Why even bother calling it a sequel - just change the lead character's name and be done with it.



Maybe because it didn't do well, they didn't realize it? But how can you say this is a horrible movie? This is a great film, even better than the original.


Anyone who thinks this is a better film than the original is a retard. So let's try and communicate with Steve, the retard. DSRDRYDCRDCURIVVFITYR? FTYRFVDRUDRDVVRDVR! There! He shouldn't trouble us now...


Who cares about the animals, think of all the poor humans who sat through this who need someone's care and sympathy right now, and for someone to put it into some sort of context.
