Dr. Bob Sweeney

Loved his character and how he never gave up on Derek/Danny.

Two questions though.

1. What was it he wanted out of Danny when they met in the Café in the ending? They never say it out loud, but somehow Derek seems to understand right away. "I'm gonna get shot by two white guys" Derek said. I don't understand what he could to about the fact that two skin heads were beaten, I mean what was his role? I don't get that part.

2. Why didn't Sweeney seem more upset/surprised in the end when Danny was shot? After all job he put in to get ride of those Nazi influences on him.

3. Was Derek put out of prison earlier if he would help the police with the gang fights/reveal something? I got the intention at first that he would go uncover or something and reveal their organized Nazi gangs through Seattle to LA etc (before Derek *beep* it all up by quitting the skin head group). And why did Sweeney act like the head police/FBI officer, when he was a teacher ?


1. Sweeney needed to know what happened to Seth and Cam but their gang members weren't going to talk to the cops. They wanted Derek to talk to some of his old crew, perhaps some who even still held him in some esteem despite what happened at the party for some info.

2. When Sweeney visits Derek in prison it's revealed that he too has an angry past though we don't find out what exactly. Just because he's not on his knees crying at Danny's death it doesn't mean he's not upset, his life experience has given him the tools to manage himself. It's unlikely it's the first school shooting he's come across.

3. Sweeney had his finger on the pulse. He knew what made the kids tick and so he was a consultant for the police. He wasn't in charge but they respected his opinion and expertise. There's no evidence that Derek was released when he was because of any deal with the authorities. He and Sweeney had a personal understanding that's all.

Hey! You're not old enough to drink! Now go and die for your country!!!


Thank you!
