Who votes this movie a 1!

LOL That's insane.



Who said I care. I don't even vote. I just said who would rate this movie a 1. Just a fun question. LOL eaaasssyyy.



OK sounds good. Some people thought the movie was worth a 1. Don't get it,but it was never a big deal ha. Happy Holidays! Enjoy:)


Prolly that idiot "Fool of Mojo!" He's part of that moronic group who thinks the moonshots were faked. Check out some of the other threads where he's posted his stupid comments.

Sad thing about this country is that people like him are allowed to vote... that is, when he turns 18... if his mom lets him.

The whole series is fantastic! I'm sure there will be those PC groups who don't like the drinking, smoking, or swearing. They will also have a problem that there aren't any women or blacks on the missions.

"Gotta be fair, now. We don't want to offend people. Better revise history!"
