
I remember when i was a kid growing up, watching from the gemini mission right through to the end of the apollo era, i saw these guys drinking tang all the time and i thought "hey these guys are astronauts, if i drink tang i'll grow up to be astronaut too"

So every summer without fail i would drink tang, morning, noon, and night.

Do you know what a grew up to be ... ???

A Stevedore ...... IBS local 47.


if i drink tang i'll grow up to be astronaut too
If only you'd thought "if I get pilot training and a college degree..."


I feel sorry for you !


I felt sorry for the astronauts after drinking the stuff. Ugh! I couldn't stand it.

One of the best vacations my family ever had was a trip to Florida, around Christmas time, in the early-mid 70s. My dad, a long time aviation buf, science teacher, and ex-Air Force aircraft mechanic made sure we went to Cape Canaveral. That was one cool place; much better than the relatively new Disney World.

"Fortunately, Ah keep mah feathers numbered for just such an emergency!"


I feel more sorry about how abusive NASA was against their wives. That sure is the dark era of NASA.
