My problem with the music.

It's just too intrusive and over the top. Some of it was beautifully judged and perfect for the relevant scene, but I felt that most of it was too celestial and Godly.

It was just relentless, man! One of the astronauts farts and all these choirs start trilling away. I thought the score for In The Shadow Of The Moon was better, and even that was a bit over the top.


I agree, it was prollie even worse than the music in million dollar baby


Totally agree. Just started watching it last night, and unfortunately the music takes me right out of it sometimes. Many of these moments were triumphant, but holy crap. Way over the top.



A friend of mine said Kamen's score reminded him of Westerns. I always thought it sounded a little like his Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves score.

That said, I love the music and only notice it when it becomes big and triumphant (which it does do a lot, but then so do John Williams' Star Wars scores). As for it being patriotic, I'm not so sure. I think it reflects the achievements of mankind. Yes, Americans did it. Yes, they did it because of political pressure via the Russians space program, but that does not make the achievement any less amazing.

Why would you want to listen to somber, mundane, mellow or reserved music when watching people do something spectacular?

The King Of Rhye

"My first thought was he lied in every word."



Yeah, agree with this.

The compositions in their own form are brilliantly composed.

There isn't a lot of variety between the slow, suspenseful dramatic music and the full-on orchestra celebratory themes. It's like an off/on switch that is used above and beyond what normally can hit emotional highs and lows. This, in turn, felt like there was more manufactured drama than what was on screen.

Example: Episode 10 when the 2 astronauts pull the thing out of the moon surface after a few tense moments - yay! Fire up the orchestra!

It just dilutes the instances where such accompaniments are more appropriate, since we keep hearing the same emotional highs over and over.
