What does green mean?

All characters in the movie wore same colors troughout the movie. Most of the suroundings were also in their tipical colors.

Rene, wore black, and was a bit strange and mysterious, except in sceens where he was in white, and they all had something to do with the baby,
Rebecca always in red, was hot and feisty,
Marco was a freedom lover, so he wass dressed in blue,
Theo, the farmer had clothes in color of earth, brown or beige,
Nina, not so important character, and kind a silly, yellow

But what's with the green Laura wore? What does it represent?


Laura was a surgeon, a doctor. Maybe shes the 'healer'? Green is sort've rooted in healing, nurturing.


And well-balanced.




Green (in German culture) usually stands for hope, it can also mean a new beginning.

Then again, blue traditionally stands for faithfulness/loyalty, so it doesn't seem to fit Marco at all. ;) You're probably right that it's supposed to stand for freedom, but maybe it's also meant to show his coldness. The type of blue he was wearing did seem rather icy imo.


I always thought that Tykwer was using the 5 colors of the Olympic rings (blue, yellow, black, green, red), although to what end, I don't know. One could argue that the colors worn by the five characters represent something about their personality, i.e. black = dark and moody, green = nurturing and heart-centered, red = sexual and vibrant. Not sure about blue and yellow.


The blue imo is for Marcos coldness. As mentioned above the type of blue he is wearing is quite icey. To me it reflects his inability to commit to anyone, and his emotinal coldness.

They blew up Congress!!! HAHAHA!
