sam and tom

I don't quite understand the end. what happened to Sam and Tom? They just disappear?

I wish I was asINVISIBLE as you make me feel.


Sean Biggerstaff says in an interview (somewhere on his website) that it's open to interpretation. Either Tom went off to Edinburg, or he killed himself (I think it was something like that). Its supposed to be an open ending.


Did one of them say that they could make it to Ireland?

"Welcome to the SH, Bitch."
- Gilmore Girls



I'm not sure of the ending....I believe we are meant to speculate. I don't know why it's so important to so many that every film wraps up neat or has some sort of resolve. Life isn't neat and often offers no resolve. What's important was the incredible dialog between the boys-beautifully scripted. I've known few photospheres that nailed better what our parents and society expect of us as we grow up. Even Tom's preoccupation with his balls dropping was poignantly stated and represents how children live in the now, even though he could be sure in the near future of sexual maturity.

I wish to tread lightly upon my friends but love them deeply
