MovieChat Forums > Wild America (1997) Discussion > I love this movie, its one of the best!!...

I love this movie, its one of the best!!!

I loved this movie, godsh its been so long since I have seen it. I remember the first time I seen it. I was browsing through the video store and it was Friday so not alot of movies were still there. So I got that one because I was a huge JTT fan, so I got it and I loved it. I watched it at least twice a day. It was so great. Its just been so long since I have seen it. Im going to rent it again. Whats everyone elses opinion?


I love it too! I havent seen it in forever! I just said on another thread that I'm gonna try and find it at Walmart tomorrow when me and my cousin get An American Tail.

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing~Edmund Burke



i agree. this movie is so underrated. even you're not a jonathon taylor thomas fan, it's great. great story. it's even better because it's true (for the most part). this film deserves more credit. if not even for the shots they got. i appreciated the shots of the animals, actually. i'll admit, i had a crush on JTT when i was younger. he did a great job in this film. everyone did. it's a good movie. you don't need to appreciate the actors to like it.


yes, this movie is so AWESOME.. and forget JT.. it's DEVON SAWA WHO IS AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS!! Oh my god when he views himself through the mirror? pure bliss!



i agree with you. a great movie to watch .


i belive this is easily one of the worst movies ever made, no plot, no substance, its literally like a long commercial that goes no where, all the actors are terrible in it, especially Jonathn Taylor Thomas


oh shut up,its very,very good!the plot is that they go out to tape endangered animals before they die out or are put in zoos and they have adeventures in between that.


i loved it too but i was wondering
1. when the dad is in the truck crash thing, it looks like some1 is grabbing him. does anyone no wut that was?
2. in the begining when marty + mark belt marshall in a chair and cut the rope to make him fall in and when marshall comes out did mark call him "mark" or "marsh" it sounded like mark so i was jw


to make it quick i'm a big fan of JTT and Devon and Scott. love em think they are cute to boot. and i love the whole story. i wish i could do that. go ilm animals with my brother and sister. it would be so much fun. peace out!


the movie is pretty bad to be honest. full of cliches. i thought it was a tv movie when i first saw it. but hey, whatever..


I found this title at a pawn shop for $1 and after checking for scratches, I bought it. Pleasantly pleased after viewing it and will probably watch it again.
