Question about the book

Why did Samuel Westing even make this whole game in the first place?


Because hes dead and hes giving his will to whoever finds out all the clues.





SPOILER--Well, no, the point of the book is that Westing is NOT dead (until the final pages, some 20 years later in time). I think he made up the game in order to decide whom to name as his heir, since his only daughter was dead and his wife (Crow) is miserable and unhinged. He wants to leave his fortune to someone clever and compassionate, and that turns out to be Turtle (TR). The ending is a lot like the ending of "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" in that way.


exactly. man i loved the westing game, but no one else i know has read it. i remember seeing this when i was sevn and thinking how different it was from the book, ah well.

hasn't anyone ever told you that smoking was bad for you? one..THANK YOU.


Westing also wanted to help people get past their social barriers and also their internal issues, thus he had people of different class, race, etc. paired together.


U're starting to sound like Chris's answer!
(if u've read the book, u will get it)

Well, we probably deserve *that*


I loved this book when I was a kid. In fact, I just picked it up for our daughter and she's really enjoying it. I had no idea they made a movie. After reading the comments I'm not sure if I want to see it. I may wait until she finishes the book then maybe we'll sit down and watch it.


fosthoff had the most accurate answer. Sam Westing mends nearly every character's problem brilliantly, both personal problems and issues they had with Westing himself years ago. But he developed the money not only as a way to repay some heirs [Judge Ford], but also as a way to keep the heirs playing the game, ultimately leading them to become different people whether they intended to or not.

Such a wild book. How did Ellen Raskin just make it up as she went along?



From what I could understand, the point of the Westing game was for Westing to make peace with those he hurt over the years. He was cunning enough to pair the heirs correctly and was able to further manipulate events as Sandy McSouthers (for example, he suggested the paper innersoles idea to James Shin Hoo, which led to Hoo "regaining" the fortune that Westing "stole" from him).


Exactly, he wanted to repay the people he hurt, the people who didn't want anything to do with him anymore.
I loved the book. The movie, not so much.


It also gave J.J. Ford the opportunity to pay it forward.
