Meddling Maggie

Maggie Smith excels at playing the meddling spinster aunt/cousin/sister, and does another fine job in "Washington Square". All along she reminded me of cousin Charlotte in "A Room with a View"
And when Katherine Sloper cries, "You ruin everything you touch!" it was the final deciding factor! I was thinking of the late scene in which Miss Honeychurch, confronted by George's loudly stated sentiments in the study, with cousin Charlotte guarding the door, finally reproaches her for her interference.

All that aside, I wonder how an actress like Smith could become so typecast, and content to be so...


Aunt Lavinia would have done so much good if she had just left the two of them alone and let them sort it all out for themselves. All the meddling adults in this movie should have done that and just let the relationship die by itself.

Just an aside- Maggie Smith's American accent was pretty bad! Pretty spotty- sounded at times like a parody of an American accent.

Albert Finney was more convincing and he too is a Brit.


I agree that the "adults" should have just kept out of it. After all, Catherine was 26 years old. True, she was naive and not so smart but she's old enough to live with the consequences of her decisions.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.
