Fight choreography?

Before I rent this movie I need to know one thing: are the fight scenes superb or just mediocre? Some say the fights were trashy and a little hard to see and understand because of bad camera angles and too much blurry images that you couldn't see what's going on.

If this movie is worth renting or not, please post. Remember, I just want to see if the fight scenes are worth the rental or not.


Its okay in the end but leaves are flying everywhere. And the fighting is pretty brutal for a pg movie.


It all depends on a person's opinion. Personally, I thought the fights were great. There are a few times you can see wires or it looks a little 'fake' but this movie is a good 7 years old. For being weighed down with over 30 lbs of gear strapped to your head and shoulders and half blind, the stunt fighters do a fantastic job. The blurriness you see in some parts is the different camera speeds, it adds a sense of whimsical mood. What else would you expect with kung fu kangaroos?

The fight scenes are indeed over PG as there is blood, violence and the occasional languge. I'm a bit surprised at the rating myself considering how the movie is. But then again, we can take a look at TMNT movies and their rating system, so it's not that far off.


I am an avid watcher of martial art flix, and have seen brilliant choreography from the always spectacular Master Yuen Woo Ping to some pretty luckluster stuff, and I have to say that im still impressed by the fights in WoV. However, the fights are somewhat masked by blurriness since for some reason the wind always seems to be blowing so hard when the fights are going on. I guess the movie crew wanted to give the fights a frantic and chaotic feel, which they achieved, but I would have preferred a more stable camera since it can be hard to see the action at times. Other than that, the choreography isn't bad.

"Free your mind" "Use the force" "Be like water" - Morpheus, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bruce Lee


Alright. Thanks for the info. Now I'll give it a try.


The fighting is the worst aspect of this film, worse than dialogue (because I expected that to be made for children). They use the same blurring technique that was used in Jackie Chan's Mr. Nice Guy movie - which really took away from his performance. In this movie as well, it detracts from the whole. I'd rather have slower or tamer action than something that gives me a headache.

The fight with the villain at the end was not bad though. But if you want an opinion, no it's not worth watching if your main interest is the fight scenes.

Personally, I like the costumes and if the fighting were done without that blur film technique then I'm sure I would've enjoyed this move a lot more.


Its not just blurry, they cut the frame rate. The fights look cool, but since you can't see them its insulting. I don't know why Ronny Yu did that, I'm pretty sure it was the producers, but either way the idea is garbage and it made the movie garbage, which is sad cause the fantasy choreography is really good and you can tell the money is up there on the screen, but too distorted to be truly enjoyable.

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I'll have some of my own on my website fairly soon.

My mistake...four coffins.
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