Why such bad reviews?

This movie is awesome. I can't believe you guys. I watched this when I was a kid and was totally taken by it, and still am. The costumes and visuals are stunning. Of course it's nothing incredibly innovative, but it's one of those movies that just makes you feel good when you watch it. You guys are being too harsh on this movie.


so am i.


I agree, I also watched this when I was much younger. The day it came out on video I was already of a fan of TMNT, I thought I would give it a go. I loved it and still do, 7 years later. Now when I watch it, I can see it's faults but heaven above, this movie certainly did better then a lot of movies out at that time. I think it was geared for a younger audience with the PG rating, though that was the first PG kids movie I saw with blood. I think if it was promoted a little better, changing the rating, a little rework on the script, it would have flourished.

I'm however happy with the small screen time it recieved and glad it didn't go mainstream. Mainstream seems to tear down a series/movie/etc. It's truely never the same after that.


I think part of it is that the people making the comments on this movie are either A: Too old and worn out to really "Get" this movie, b: they think they're too "cool" to like the movie, so will hate it if they like it or not, C: think its is cool to rip on a movie.

I, for one, liked the movie quite a bit, even though it was out of my "age range." I felt that it worked relatively nicely and even if it was a bit simple in the storytelling method, wire-fu kangaroos are amusing.

If you go into this sort of movie expecting this sort of movie (A simple pre-teen kung-fu fantasy movie) then it is kinda hard to be disappointed.


It used to be one of my favorite movies when I was younger. I can't find it in movie stores any more and I am very sad. Everyday I think about Warriors of Virtue. I've been crying for days... weeks... years. I miss the giant kangaroos that flew around in the movie. This movie cannot be compared to any other movies... for it's beuatiful coreography of sword fights. I liked the use of elements as the fighting machines within the film. I'd recommend this film to anybody.


It's an excellent movie. I was in my teens when I first saw it--already a little outside of the age range it was shooting for--but I loved it and now, at 25, I can't say it quite has the same effect on me as it did then but I still pop it in from time to time.

I also couldn't find it in the stores, but was able to find a DVD on eBay.


There's nothing to "get", weaboo.

Just because you enjoy bad movies doesn't mean they're good movies.

I like bad movies myself, usually I prefer bad foreign movies to bad american movies with a few exceptions.

That doesn't mean their flaws suddenly don't exist just because I like them.


Yeah, I remember when I saw this film in theatres, I was totally captivated in its magic. It is truly one of the most underrated and unappreciated films of all time. I have the VHS but i must find the dvd.

"Free your mind" "Use the force" "Be like water" - Morpheus, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bruce Lee


I was very disappointed with how they did the action, I hate that blurring technique they used (it was also used in Jackie Chan's Mr Nice Guy movie - totally destroying his often excellent action performances). It's definitely a kids movie, the dialogue will tell you that, but I was hoping to see some action - certainly other kids movies of the time had been more intense.


I was also ten when it came out. I found it nearly incomprehensible. It keeps popping back up in my memory, though, probably because it represents my first disappointment with a film. I'd like to see it again for a real evaluation one of these days.

The cockroach is a noble beast....


one of my favorite movies of all time. also have the vhs. i know i've seen the dvd somewhere, but not sure where.

it's so very sad that it has such a low score.


I didn't think it was that bad at all. I didn't even mind the slow-mo fighting sequences...which gets some big gripes!

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i saw this for the first time ever yesterday.........i just HAD to hire it, after reading the words "Kangaroo like warriors"....yes, that sold me! haha

i liked it, if only for its strangeness.....and im 22. tho even still, i didnt completely understand the whole ending sequence in the land of tao...does that make me stupid? :)


I'm 24 and I saw this movie 1 month ago, and like it so much! I like Komodo, the villian, played by Angus Macfadyen, i love that man! He gives life to that movie, i'd like to watch this movie again, but i can't find it :(


My name is Brian and I am a Child psychiatrist. I paid my way going to medical school in southern california and I acted in a dozeen top tv shows to pay for school.I liked this movie it was entertaining and for you kids and those who are in touch with there inner child this was entertaining and fun WHO EVER WROTE IT WAS FULL OF CLICHES WHAT MOVIE DOESN'T HAVE SOME. iT WAS CLEAN UPLIFTING AND FUN.


yeah! and Komodo is hot XD LOL ahhaaha



No it didn't, I agree it was a great movie the first time I saw it I think I was 17 and I liked it a lot, I don't mind the photography in it and I like the cliches to an extent, Mr. Macfadyen (Komodo) rewrote most of his part to make him more kid friendly but also more adult friendly (and considering some of my fantasies about this man the "adult" side apparently worked) I think he did the best he could with what he had and I enjoyed the movie completely and Angus if you ever read this ignore all those idiots who didn't like this movie it was fantastic

Why must close-minded people always open their mouths?





I loved this film, still do but come on, it's a terrible movie

they're kung fu kangaroos' for God sake!

"Much Love"


I saw this movie a couple times when I was little, I remember thinking the ending was retarded and being SCARED *beep* when some freaky lady stuck her tongue out. I also thought the "lesson" was pretty lame. And to be honest I was never interested in football except when I got to tackle the person closest to me... and at my elementary we weren't allowed to play tackle.

However, I will say this: A movie about "humanoid kangaroos" that do martial arts can be TOTALLY AWESOME (think something like Sakikage Cromartie High) or vomit-worthy. But it must be one or the other. There can be no in between.

I also remember thinking The Navigator was pretty dumb when I was little.
