MovieChat Forums > Volcano (1997) Discussion > Scariest parts when you were a kid (spoi...

Scariest parts when you were a kid (spoilers)

For those of us who saw this when we were kids (I was 8 years old when this came out), what parts of this scared you?

For me:
1) Stan's death
2) Rachel's death
3) Firefighter's death (the two in the overturned truck)

When I watch the movie these days, it's not a problem, but this movie made me scared of volcanoes when I was a child.

If at first you don't succeed, remove all evidence you ever tried.



1) The death of that guy who saved the subway driver scared to sh-t out of me.
2) The man with the half burned face at the beginning that says "they burned up"
3) The firefighters in the overturned truck


Most definitely Rachel' death and the firefighter in the truck.

Her screams were terrifying ...and what made it worse was seeing her hand through the smoke, then she wss gone.


The main one was the guy who was burned really bad at the beginning. I first watched this when I was 4 but that scene traumatized me. The guy on the Subway was scary too, but I felt sorry for the guy, even if he was an ass.

The Rachel one was okay but it felt gimmicky. That was due to her line "I"M BURNING UP!" No crap..

That scene was intentionally made to make the volcano seem like an actual villain like it "picked" her to die, and was just really bizarre.


I don't even remember Rachel. It's been over fifteen years at least since I saw this last. The firefighters being trapped in the overturned truck scared the Jesus out of me. I was 8 or 9 when I watched this, and I always had to cover my ears because their yelling for help gave me nightmares. It might have been Rachel's death, I can't remember, but there was one particular death scene in which I had to leave the room because it scared me so much.

Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?


The Stan character's death is still scary to me. I like the movie and still watch it, but will get up to do something else when that scene comes up. After I first saw that part of the movie, I have had nightmares of lava.
