i am shocked...

by the low rating this movie gets. come on its great fun, good entertainment. yes it has flaws but i still really enjoyed it. there were a couple of things that to this day still really bug me...

thnk back to when stubbs first gets control, the 2 marshals with weaver draw there guns as stubbs approaches holding the other marshall as a shield, then he says "lets get him" shoots him dead and the marshall from the far side in the tan jacket jumps at him, WHY? he had a gun! when he jumps at him he no longer has the gun, its stupid, he shud of just shot stubbs. secondly when douglas is the last remaining marshall, has his gun drawn at stubbs and weaver approaches, why not quickly shoot weaver? then shoot stubbs, if the girl dies so what, least that wud be better than all that followed surely?

last flaw for me was when she hits weaver with the fire extinguiser, its a classic movie mistake, not killing the bad guy when hes down but instead running away, if that was me or anyone else for that matter wudnt u keep hitting him round the head with the big metal fire extinguisher until hes dead? lol hell yeah

overall though ir eally enjoyed this movie but for these few minor flaws i spotted



Your first question was well put.But for your last one does make sense.She didn't have it in her to kill anyone.YThe part where she had the gun on him the first time she didn't pull the trigger even though it was empty.

Someone who likes Gonen with the Wind as there fav movie isn't killing anyone:)

Sandra Bullock winning an Oscar
Slow Year for Women in HollyWooD


Those are your only problems??? That's funny. How about:
- An empty flight over the holiday period.
- A flight that allows Christmas decorations and two big ass Christmas trees.
- The captain of a plane hears a disturbance, he knows there are four armed police on board, but HAS to leave the flightdeck to see what is happening.
- The most sophisticated airplane in the skys but a co-pilot can get strangled by his own seat belt.
- A plane where you can fire dozens of rounds all over the place and only one causes a small whole that can be plugged with a brief case.
- A ford truck that can survive a megaton plane landing but is dislodged with a few bullets.
- An airforce plane lets loose on a truck attached to the wheels of a plane, but the tires aren't damaged at all.
- The attrocious acting of Lorren Holly.
- A plane that contains one live "flight attendant" and a phsycopath destined for death row. Don't take it to the desert or over water and down it, bring it into one of the most populated airports in the States in the off chance she might land it without incident.
- There has been a major massacre on a plane, over a dozen bloody murders, but let's cheer with joy as one really bad actress leaves the plane, it was all worth it.
-Did I mention the attrocious "acting" of Lorren Holly.


I enjoyed it and watched it several times over the years. It seems Ray Liotta movies often get bad ratings even though they are very good ("Unforgettable", "Unlawful Entry")
