Tanya or Aisha?

For me its Aisha all the way. While I did eventually warmed up to Tanya, she just doesn't compare to Aisha for some reason. And plus, she was nicer to look at (sorry).



I liked Tanya better myself. I didn't really know why when i was younger, but rewatching them now that i'm older i can see Aisha was the weakest link of the three new Rangers, like they just added her because they needed another girl. Also, because Zeo was a more mature series (with longer, more drawn out storylines and stuff) Tanya fit in better. Plus there's that cool kick in the Turbo movie she does where she catches her leg and then releases it to hit the monster. I guess i just saw her as more capable of doing the moves outside of the suits than i did Aisha.

Oh, and i thought Tanya was cuter so don't feel bad for saying what you said. ;D


Tanya, although Aisha were cool. She's more mature.


IDK Tanya .....some ppl crack on her for her nose, but I think she's beautiful and her voice is attractive (to me). Aisha, I loved her and she was the one who kept the group in check emotionally. I like them equally :P They over did it with those big a$$ braids in season 3 and the movie though LOL! \

On second thought..Aisha wins because she definitely had more room to develop as opposed to Tanya who was basically on the side.



Aisha wanted to leave when Zeo came in mostly because of the hours of work for the new series.



I like "aisha" more to. for the very same reason as the poster said.



You, will never realize, what darkness lies inside, inside my own mind...


Better Power ranger: Tanya
Hotter of the two: Aisha


still haven't changed my mind. i still liked aisha more.


I felt Aisha being too similar with Kim sometimes



Watching the series and characters now, I have to say I prefer Tanya. Compared to Aisha, I'd say she was a better character. I like Aisha but like I said, I think Tanya was probably more closer to that of a well-rounded character, particually at the start of Zeo.
