MovieChat Forums > Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (1997) Discussion > Did anyone notice the blatant continuity...

Did anyone notice the blatant continuity error of Kat's lifejacket?

Around the 22 minute mark they show Tommy putting a yellow lifejacket on Kat and after they make it to shore the camera angle is from behind Kat as she sits down and then the camera cuts to a front angle, no time passing, and her lifejacket has all of a sudden completely vanished.

It's one of worst continuity errors I've ever seen. It's so blatant.



This was explained in the Trivia section.

There is a deleted scene where, after Tommy gets Kat out of the water, he's grabbed from his Power Box backpack by the jaws of a crocodile. The croc drags Tommy in the water and Kat removes her life jacket and stands up to help, but due to her injured leg, she falls down screaming in pain. Tommy manages to find a log, lodge it in the croc's mouth and he swims to shore. When the crocodile chases Tommy onto land, Kat uses the blow torch from her own Power Box and fires a flame at the croc to scare it off. The scared croc goes back into the river, without feasting on a two-course meal of Zeo Rangers.

This scene was omitted due to the limits of the film's running time, but you're right, they didn't show Kat remove it because the scene was left out. You can see a photo from it, though, on the back of the "Turbo" VHS box and I think the back of the DVD cover too, if I remember correctly.

Read the Trivia section for more information on what was cut out of the film:

Also, you can see photos of deleted scenes from "Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie" here, including the photo of Tommy standing by Kat as she fires the flame thrower (it's the sixth/bottom photo):

I hope that helped answer your questions.

Save Spider-Man's marriage:


That is one scene they should of left in.

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