Power Rangers = Unsportsmanlike

Does anyone else think it's a tad bit unfair that the Power Rangers would enroll themselves in a martial arts contest? Yes, they are competing for a charity, but still. I mean think about it; they have beaten many MANY villans, even without their powers. What would three punk teenagers be able to do against the world's greatest superhero team? It seems a little wrong to me.


I think the writer were trying to prove a point that they were still teenage, anyway they didn't enroll themselves they are there for angel grove high.

This Isn't my Sig, my Sig got Stolen


They're not allowed (if i remember correctly) to use their powers for personal gain or they would be stripped of them, so they couldnt use them in the contest.

Even so, they had to be better than every one else!!!


I don't know if you remember but back in the original series, the first time we come across Tommy is infact in a martial arts comp, where he goes up against "Angel Grove Finest" Jason. (That's there words not mine) At the time Tommy had no powers, he later became evil green ranger. However Jason had his powers, and in no way used them in the comp. He and Tommy ended up drawing the match.

Later on in season 2, when Jason Trini and Zack were in the process of leaving. Rocky, Adam and Aisha came in it via a ninja comp. At the time they had no powers, didn't even know who the rangers were. But they did know Tommy, Kim and Billy as they had both ran after Mr Anderson's baby, who was "strolling" itself. But Adam, Rocky and Aisha won the comp. The other team they fought against, were really cocky and punks and fought dirty.

And you're right, one of the rules for being a ranger is to never use the powers for personal gain.
The other two rules that Zordon said in the very first episode were
Never escalate a battle unless Rita does, and never tell anyone you're a power ranger.

The never tell rule, was later broken, when they met Adam, Rocky and Aisha....but hey Billy was chocking and they had to remove his helmet. But they took an oath never to reveal the idenities and then later on became rangers themselves!!

Yeah, I know what you're all thinking I have way too much free time on my hands if I can remember all this. But I just love this show!!



I think those rules have been long forgotten by that time anyway, because I don't recall Zordon ever bringing them up whenever he got new rangers to show up. Yeah, you can use the classic excuse of "it happened off-screen", but that's a lame excuse even if it were true.

Hence, in the later Zeo series, when Tommy revealed to his long-lost brother that he is, in fact, the Red Ranger, he was never reprimanded for breaking the rules established by Zordon... and you can't say that he didn't know the rules because he had them spelled out at the end of that Green Ranger miniseries.

So yeah... I'll be going now.


I thought that was to calm his brother down, that he was okay. Okay, I think that them entering the contest is okay, seeing as, they didn't morph for it. Without morphing they are just normal humans, sure they are good at martial arts, but them not being allowed i even when they arent morphed, would be like telling Bruce Lee, that he could not enter because he was too good at Martial Arts.


My understanding was that unless they was morphed they didn't use any of the Power Ranger powers. It was just their own human skill. That was why you would see Jason and Zack kicking much butt and Trini doing some okay fighting, but Billy and Kimberly pretty much was using gymnastics or just trying to get out of the way. Later Billy learned to fight better I think Kimberly did too. In future Power Rangers usually they already knew how to fight.

Now in the ones after Turbo, I think there was some rangers that had powers outside of the suits.

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