How successful was this movie??

I was just wondering if anyone knew if this movie got a U.S and U.K cinema release? and if so, how much money did the movie make for both areas? Thanks :)


nope never went to the cinema, Straight to Video Release in both countries

This Isn't my Sig, my Sig got Stolen



Actually, OnlyOneTyping, it WAS released in theaters. I know because I saw it at the cinema when it was released.

Anyway, it was in a lot less screens than the first movie, which is part of the reason why it wasn't as successful as the first in terms of box office receipts. However, since it was so cheaply made, I heard it actually made back its money and a bit more, something the first didn't do.

The first movie spent 35 million and made back around 30, if I recall correctly. The second movie cost a few million to make (I think 3 or 4, I forgot which), but made back 8.2 million in the U.S. alone. I'm not sure how much it made overseas or in the U.K., though.

I hope this helped out with some answers.

"You're making me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." (Eric Bana as Bruce Banner - "Hulk")


its pretty sad, i never even knew the movie came out tell i IMDB'ed amy jo johnson and saw that she was in a turbo movie... i was like oooo, LOL!

the first movie, from mighty morhpin power rangers in my opinion was really good. wish it had been longer though!


It went straight to video release in Australia.
However I do remember that for a little while there was a big cardboard display at the local cinema. And it was infact due to be shown, they even had the trailers up in the room to put on the beginning of the movie. I know this because I did work experience there and remember seeing them.
But it was never released at the cinema....I kept ringing and asking them, they kept giving me dates, and it never came about.
A while later saw it on video, bought it and still have it. Now buying on DVD. I love Power Rangers!!

I think the cinema thought that this was no longer popular and they wouldn't make any money from it. But I think power rangers is still popular to this day, and will continue to make money, as new people start to watch it, and all those old one continue to love it!!


Yea I actually thought this movie was a lot better than the stuff that out today. I'm all for old school stuff, beast Wars, Beast machines, beetleborgs, power rangers (original)

Boom bazooka, joe.


Actually the 2nd movie was a huge failure in comparison to the first. The first movie cost 15 mil and made 37.


Actually, according to boxofficemojo, the first movie grossed over $60 million worldwide, while the second only did $9.


Not in Canada...I remember going to see this in the theaters...I LOVED this movie when I was younger...I had a blast seeing this in the theater. I can see how adults don't like this movie though because it isn't well done but to younger kids this movie was special


I remember seeing this movie when I was young, I don't remember much of it though. I also remember seeing it in theaters.


I remembered seeing the trailer and Kimberly and saying "I NEED TO SEE THIS". Never did till it came out on TV in the morning at like 2am new years 2000.


Oh it was in theaters. I remember seeing it when I was young. Not a sucessful flick

When in doubt kill it.


The first movie was VERY successful. Turbo, however, was a major box office flop.


Turbo was a flop but did really well as dvd release 18 milion.


It wasn't as good, besides that annoying kid who replaces Rocky as the blue ranger wasn't really a very good idea. I like the other one, it's better.


I remember seeing both films in theaters. I was in Ohio in 1995 and Hawaii in 1997. I was 7 and I begged my parents to take me to see it; only to be disappointed by how a guy can fall and break his back. I remember my cousins went to see the first film like 5 times and then when the second film came out they had no clue there was even a sequel.

Damien Frost and Apocalypse: 2012, coming in 2010.


I saw both of them in theaters and I'm from Puerto Rico.

You, will never realize, what darkness lies inside, inside my own mind...


i saw both in the theaters and loved both of them but the 2nd one would have done a lot better if it went stright to video but if had not went to theaters we might not have it on dvd

