MovieChat Forums > Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (1997) Discussion > Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie QUIZ 1 of 2

Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie QUIZ 1 of 2

1.) In escaping Divatox’s warriors where did Lerigot land on Earth?
a) Africa
b) France
c) Iceland
d) Russia

2.) Which Ranger was hurt accidentally while training for some karate?
a) Adam
b) Rocky
c) Tommy
d) Kat

3.) Who accidentally discovered the Ranger’s identities?
a) Lt. Stone
b) Bulk
c) Justin
d) Divatox

4.) Who of the Power Rangers teleported to Africa to rescue Lerigot?
a) Rocky and Justin
b) Aisha and Adam
c) Adam and Tommy
d) Tommy and Kat

5.) What reptile was Tommy fighting?
a) Snake
b) Lizard
c) Kimodo Dragon
d) Flies

6.) Where was Kat injured?
a) Right arm
b) Left leg
c) Right leg
d) Left arm

7.) Which former Power Rangers were taken prisoner by Divatox?
a) Zack and Trini
b) Trini and Aisha
c) Jason and Kimberly
d) Billy and Tanya

8.) Where was the meeting to trade Lerigot for Jason and Kimberly?
a) McDonald’s
b) Park
c) Mall
d) Beach

9.) Who was taking Rocky’s place as Blue Ranger?
a) Justin
b) David (Tommy’s brother)
c) Bulk
d) Trey

10.) How were the Rangers getting to the island?
a) Airplane
b) Boat
c) Swimming
d) Walking

