I didn't know there was two

Wow im slow!
Live or die? Make you choice.-Jigsaw


Nothing beats the first movie, that's for sure!


How is the first better than the second?


Can u tell me in more detail what it was actually about, i didnt know that there was a second movie! how come the original people are in it, like kimberly? She was great! oh and Tommy, they were so cute!


Unlike the first movie, which was in its own little 'universe', this one is in the same continuity as the show. It was also made by the same people behind the show, again unlike the first movie.

In short, space pirate Divatox wants to free the powerful demon Maligore from his imprisonment on a lost island. She captures the wizard who has the key that will allow her to get there, and the Rangers set out to rescue the wizard and stop Divatox. They get their new Turbo powers and Zords to do so. The show then continued with the Turbo season were this movie leaves off, with Divatox planning her revenge.

Most of the Rangers who are present here are in this because they were still on the show at the time. Amy Jo Johnson returned as Kimberly because she was still under contract to do a second movie.


Yeah, but I actually liked the fact that this movie lead into the series because, the first one had the same story told differently in the series. I prefer this one.


I had no idea there was a second movie either! I was flipping through the channels, found this under my guide and was like, o_O

My brother was a HUGE fan of the original power rangers. He got his two older sisters sucked in as well! lol

This movie is actually on right now. Good to see Kimberly and Jason on here. I always LOVED Kimberly and Tommy as a couple - they were sooooooooooo cute!

You call me "fangirl" like it's a bad thing.
Cook's Crue Member #35



I agree . The first film was entertaining but dragged at parts & it`s always best to stick to the canon whenever possible . Also , the second film had more action , better special effects & very little CGI(in The " Making Of " segment , you see that at the end when Jason & Kimberly were under the influence of Maligore`s Evil Flame , the red-gold eyes were contacts & Austin & Amy naturally altered their voices) .


I just watched both of the movies over the weekend. I was in college during the time of Power Rangers mania, so the whole thing totally blew past me. My five year old wanted to watch the movies. Anyway, I thought the second one was leaps and bounds better than the first. The one thing that was obviously better was that there was a huge improvement in acting talent between the first and second movies. Also, I think that this movie was actually better by the fact that for the first 30 minutes or so, it moved the plot ahead and setup some nice "character" moments instead of getting them into the suits right away and relying on cheesy dubbed in dialogue. I still only gave it a 4/10, but I thought the first movie was a 2/10 and I'm pretty confident in saying this movie was twice as good as the first one.


The second movie was far better than the first.

Completely disagree. But I also despise Power Rangers Turbo, mostly for adding that stupid kid for no reason.

it's speical effects were much better. The first movie tried using computer animation for the Zord battle and in some other instances where it wound up just looking stupid.

Are you serious?? The special effects in Turbo were just like the ones on the show, no different. The effects in the first one might look bad now, but I remember the effects being a big thing back in 1995. Not saying they were state of the art, but I specifically remember in reviews people talking about how good the effects looked.

In the series, the Ranges are still using the Thunder Zords after the movie comes out

Wrong. The movie came out after the 2nd season ended and before the 3rd season began. Yes, it's not canon and they chose a different route for how the rangers got their powers on the show, but I guess they did that so they could include Rito and Ninjor, which would have been rather stupid looking in the movie.

and not stupid-looking like in the first movie

Sorry having a guy in a suit as a monster is much dumber than CGI effects. I don't mean to put down practical effects, I prefer them over CGI, but makeup would have been better than a guy in a suit or even CGI would have been better. I prefer the guy in a suit on the show, but for a theatrical movie it was better.

the introduction of a new Blue Ranger

That was probably the biggest mistake the producers of this series ever made. Not replacing him, but replacing him with a child. There was absolutely no reason to replace him with a child, the footage is of an adult in the suit so they should have replaced him with an adult, having him "grow up" when he morphs was retarded!

Overall I find the original much, much better. I saw both of these in the theaters when they first came out and loved the original. Remember back in 1995 Power Rangers was huge, so they figured a movie would be just as huge and decided to go the expensive route, new suits, new command center, we monster designs, new zords, etc. There were many problems with the first one like who the hell was that pig guy? He was never on the show before or after the movie, Rita looked pretty much the same, but Zedd changed a bit and had a much more demonic voice, Goldar looked like 10 times smaller than he did on the show, the one-liners were terrible and there were too many (You ooze you lose), the zords didn't look right, mostly because they were trying too hard to make them look like real machines. But overall, the movie was much better than Turbo. Turbo was the worst series out of them all too.

"We Came to Vegas Looking for Strippers and Cocaine"


i agree with whiterangerpower it also sounds as if they don't like American movies or television shows being made in Australia or New Zealand so why don't they shut their complaining up and deal with the films on where they were made


Is this actually a sequel? I thought it was just another movie.
