
Ok now, I understand why Jason would be in the movie because in the Zeo season, he was the gold ranger. But why did Kimberly come back into the movie? I thought she was completely out of the bussiness? Oh well. I'm just so confused about the whole deal. LOL!


because she's the most perfect thing to grace our well-protected earth.
I'm sooooo in love with her


"because she's the most perfect thing to grace our well-protected earth.
I'm sooooo in love with her"

that is the greatest thing I have ever read on this site

as for why she came back, its because they asked Amy, and she agreed to as a show of thanks to the PR people for giving her her big break



The deal was this - Jason and Kim show up to surprise everybody (or something like that). How Jason got in contact with Kimberly again, never explained. But nor was it explained how Tommy had connections with Jason to bring him back for consideration as the Gold Ranger in Zeo along with a whole bunch of things. Plotholes 101.

Honestly, I don't really care why. Seeing Kim in that scuba outfit is good enough reason to bring her back. lol


Well the Turbo movie had so much tinkered with. Many scenes were deleted and written out. Shoot Billy was gonna be the one to make the Turbo upgrades. I thought it was REALLY dumb how Tommy was like OMG NO!! When he saw Kim on the screen and Kat looked at him like "Don't even think it!" He tried to cover it up by acting a little shocked when he saw Jason. It's funny. Then he tries the "no helmet" routine.

Then the last scene not only does Kim not go to him but all she got to say was "Way to go guys" like 3 times. Meanwhile Kat and Tommy have a little closeup.

Movie was just horribly edited and polished.


"When he saw Kim on the screen and Kat looked at him like "Don't even think it!"

Some one who really watched some episodes of Katherine would never imagine her saying/thinking that. Anyways...


Well this someone actually did watch all of her episodes. I'm much older now and do not look at things on the show how I used too. There is a lot of funny things on the show you notice after not seeing it after so many years. Besides it was just a joke. That's like me saying Tommy got with Kat as a rebound or that she really tried hooking him up with Sarah Brown's character just so he would see what he already had in front of him. We don't know what the character's were really thinking because it's scripted. Tommy obviously had feelings for Kim still, but it was dumbed dumb so it would be suitable for children.


Yes, definitely we look at the things diferently when we watch again. I know that was more like a joke but nowadays we have people believing in that so badly lol
But since its a kids show I don't believe that was many other things then what we just saw. Of course that we can imagine and with a song behind it would make a great movie for youtube lol
Saying that he had feelings for Kim is just a guess, but it is normal that he would be surprised/touched simply because Kimberly had an great importance on his life and the last time that she contacted him was by letter.


You are right. I remember the 1st time I went to people are savages on there XD They turned this show into a soap opera. I meant what you said about how Tommy felt as well. TO be honest. I actually didn't mind seeing Tommy and Kat together, I liked her just I liked seeing Tommy and Kim on screen (although when Jason, Zack, and Trini left they took up ALOT of the screen time) I loved when Kim and Zack wrote/sung that song for Tommy and I enjoyed seeing them in fight scenes together (minus season 3 Kim's CONSTANT cry for TOMMY!!), and the double date in season 1 was nice.

The only thing I ever really hated about the show, besides the end of continuity after in Space, was Amy leaving and the letter they wrote for Kim to Tommy. It made people dislike Kim and some despise Kat for being there for Tommy. The letter would've been nice if she didn't say she always liked him as a brother, because that under-minded all of the scenes and convos they had in their relationship they built over 3 years. But what's done is done. I liked all of the rangers up thru to In Space. EVEN Justin was ok in my book....shoot I wished I was him XD.

But yeah every now and then I do make jokes over the shows and movies, hopefully there will be a rise in people like you and me who can tell the difference between fact and fic. Like the whole Kim and Jason thing was far-fetched IMO.


Haha some people really try to make this a Soap, and from some videos and comments on Youtube, I can imagine that in Rangerboard too lol 10 years later and it seems that those episodes were yesterday and people really don't get over it.
Specially some Kimberly (and usually Kimberly-Tommy) fans, who just ignored that she was the most well treated character of the series. She got a 7-arc-episode of goodbye and Amy Jo left on her own will and not because of money or character development, like the other actors.

I agree that when Jason, Zack and Trini left, the show really had a huge change. Kimberly and Tommy were the only ones, the other rangers were suport characters. Season 3 really was the worst on that thing. The things started to be like the first times only when Kimberly left..

I completely agree that the continuity after In Space spoiled everything. The end of the continuity of the show as a story (Zordon Era) and the begining of multiple stories with no sense or connection.

I always wished I was Justin too LOOL I really liked him, it made me think at the time that even a kid like me could be an amazing Power Ranger! Really don't understand all the hate about him too.


"How Jason got in contact with Kimberly again, never explained. But nor was it explained how Tommy had connections with Jason to bring him back for consideration as the Gold Ranger in Zeo along with a whole bunch of things. Plotholes 101"

Okay, so maybe they didn't SHOW it on screen but it's not hard to imagine that friends (Jason and Kim) would keep in contact with each other even if they've moved to different places just as it would be easy to assume that two best friends (Tommy and Jason) would keep in contact, thus allowing Tommy to call Jason for help.


Because she is the ORIGINAL pink ranger!! <3<3


Kim comments how she and Jason were coming back to help out with the shelter. Apparently, Jason found out ahead of time and the two of them met up to surprise their friends.
