Why couldn't Kat morph?

When she was falling into the water why couldn't she morph in her zeo ranger form? I was confused because she started to but when she hit the water it didn't complete. I really didn't understand that.


dunno. maybe the water is an interference with morphing


I think the water had something to do with it. Didn't the water turn pink a little? It's been a few years since I've seen it.

Freakonomics - 8/10
Unknown - 8/10



Because a wet Kat is a very bad thing. Perhaps she didn't complete the process by the time she hit the water, and the shock of the cold water made her panic?

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The water had nothing to do with it. To morph, their bracelets need to be touching. When she hit the water, she began separating, and her bracelets came apart before she finished.
