MovieChat Forums > Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) Discussion > Was this one the weakest of the Pierce B...

Was this one the weakest of the Pierce Bronsan films?

I still believe that Tomorrow Never Dies was the weakest of the 4 films that Pierce Bronsan did. I found the storyline to be weak, even though the action scenes were fantastic. Even though Teri Hatcher's role of Paris Carver is small, I find her character to be one of the few redeeming qualities of the film. Michelle Yeoh was also great as Wai Lang.


It's certainly his most generic and un-ambitious. But it also has some of his best action scenes, and inarguably Arnold's best Bond score.


Casino Royale is Arnold's best Bond score.

"I've taught you to love chickens, to love their flesh, their voice." §


It's certainly his most generic and un-ambitious. But it also has some of his best action scenes, and inarguably Arnold's best Bond score. >>> I agree that is has one of David Arnold's best 007 scores. This score is pure Bond and I also like how it incorporates the tune from the song "Surrender" as well. Some folks can't admit that because they hate Pierce Brosnan so much that it spills over into all other aspects.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


^ I'll second that.

Who says violence is not the answer?


I totally agree. I think the screenplay is very poor. The action scenes is there to mask(?) this up. But I liked the action scenes very much. So it deserves a few stars. Maybe I miss the old Bond, with the old folks behind script and direction.


I actually consider it Brosnan's best because it doesn't take itself as seriously as the others. Though truthfully, I rank the first three Brosnan films on about the same level (6 or 6.5 out of 10). Die Another Day was terrible.


I think the first three Brosnan Bond flicks are all pretty strong. Die Another Day is by far the weakest of his. And one of the weakest in the whole 007 franchise.


Agree totally


This. TND, GE and TWINE are all in my top #7… DAD rotates around the bottom 3.


I think each one Brosnan did got worse. I would rank Tomorrow Never Dies just behind Goldeneye. I've always felt TND is a very underrated standard 90's action blockbuster. The World Is Not Enough is just plain weird and Die Another Day was like watching a cartoon.


Maybe you're right that GoldenEye is better (I've been thinking about it) but Tomorrow Never Dies is definitely more fun.


I used to think that, but after seeing it last night I found it terrific - perfect Bond blast. The only real weakness is the rather annoying Pryce. Otherwise it moves along at a clip, the stunts and the women are great, the score is grand, lots of moments that make you crack a grin.
But the real highlight is Pierce Brosnan slipping snugly into the Bond role and owning it. I actually felt for the first time that he was the best Bond since Connery. I miss the qualities these two actors brought to the part, I really do.


I did feel disappointed by this film when I watched it in the cinema and apart from Goldeneye I did feel that his subsequent films could had been better although they generated big box office.

Its that man again!!


Yes, but all of the Brosnan films are weak.

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I think the Brosnan films get progressively weaker, with TND and TWINE being fairly interchangeable. DAD is by far the worst and Goldeneye is one of the best in the series.


I used to not care for TND at all, but as time has flown by, I find myself really enjoying it a lot these days. It amazes me that someone could like Die Another Day better.

- - - - - - -
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?



I think "generic" is the perfect word for TND. There's really nothing wrong with it, but it's completely by-the-numbers, and everything is just a little bit too easy for Bond this time around. MI6 is on to Carver's plan from the very beginning, and Bond sees Carver's attempts to kill him coming a mile away.

Incidentally, Carver's plan is just about the lamest evil plan I can think of. Starting a nuclear war between two superpowers is fine, although TND represents the THIRD time a Bond villain tried it. Blofeld did it because Red China gave him a big pile of cash and built him the coolest secret base in the world, and Stromberg did it out of love for the fishies. Carver did it because he wanted to sell more newspapers. Arrghhh.

Also, my appraisal of TND would have gone up at least 10% if they'd used kd lang's song for the opening titles instead of Sheryl Crow's.

'It's a mess, ain't it, sheriff?'
'If it ain't, it'll do till the mess gets here.'
