MovieChat Forums > Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) Discussion > One of the worst sounding Bond films?

One of the worst sounding Bond films?

What's up with the sound and music in this film?
(And I'm not talking about the Sheryl Crow song, which I actually think is one of the better Bond theme songs)
The dialogue for most of the first half of the film seems to have been re-recorded and dubbed, and not very well, as it's very obvious.
Then the music cues sound dreadfully out of place. Listen to the music in the pre-title sequence (at about 04:40 into the film) just before bond offers the guy a light. One music cue just abruptly stops and another completely different one takes over. It's really jarring. If you use the 'isolated music track' option this bad piece of music editing is even more obvious.
And let's not forget the Bond theme. It's over-used in the film, and there's actually only one scene where it sits well; during the motorbike chase. The rest of the time it feels shoehorned into the scenes without much thought. During a firefight on the stealth boat near the end, the Bond theme is just overlaid onto a completely different piece of (still audible) music. It's a real mess.



I disagree, I love the score for the film and the use of the Bond theme. The only thing that stands out for me is the sound effect use for some of the punches… A little bit too cartoonish but I can get over it.


I never said there was anything wrong with the score per se, it's just not handled very well. Seriously, listen to the part at 04:40 at tell me that doesn't sound terrible.


I love Arnold's score for this film


You know you're lying. What's the matter? CIA Been making you push too many pencils?


I didn't notice anything wrong with the sound in the early part of the film. And I'll take the score here over that horrible Eric Serra stuff from Goldeneye or Marvin Hamlisch's 'disco Bond' score.

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