MovieChat Forums > Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) Discussion > A '90s version of The Spy Who Loved Me?

A '90s version of The Spy Who Loved Me?

As in both cases, we have a third party trying to spark of a war, and Bond works with a female agent from one of the countries involved in the conflict (in both cases from the communist power).


And The Spy Who Loved Me was a '70s You Only Live Twice.

Which one was more effective? Tomorrow Never Dies. It offers more social commentary as Fleming did in his novels. In this case, it's how the media manipulates it power which continues to be more relevant today.


So true and my favorite of the three is Tomorrow never dies.
As iconic as Blofeld may be i found Eliot Carver the most intersting and entretatining and the best partnership was between Pierce and and Michelle Yeoh.

Roger and Barbara Bach worked well together but there was something missing and in You only live Twice i liked Connery very much but felt Kissy lacked personality. She just doesn't have the stunning looks of a Bond girl


Tomorrow never dies is terrible! Nothing good about it.
Spy whol loved me is one of the better Bond movies. The intro alone trumps all of TND.
Plus we meet Jaws. Cmon not even close.
You only live twice was a lot better too
TND one of the worst Bonds! I think only Quantum or Die Another Day may be worse !
Sorry but it's pretty obvious


The movie followed the basic formula established in Goldfinger. Bond stops some sort of meglomaniacal lunatic bent on world domination of some sort. Goldfinger, You Only Live Twice, The Spy Who Loved Me, Moonraker, Octopussy, A View to a Kill all followed the formula among many others.

Tomorrow Never Dies comes in just above the average Bond film with no overdoses of prevarication, some of the best action sequences in any Bond film, one of the most useful Bond girls in Michelle Yeoh (they always have an advantage over the damsels in distress, even Denise Richards was useful), and a plotline you can sink your teeth into.

"If it's almost a sport...WE'VE GOT IT HERE."---ESPN 8, "The Ocho"


Good little summary, though only YOLT, TSWLM (and MR by default, given it's almost a direct replica of TSWLM with the conquest of space rather than the ocean) and TND are the only Bond films that would immediately trigger WWIII had it not been for Bond. The others are more about expanding their wealth and revenge without the direct threat of an impending war.
