MovieChat Forums > Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) Discussion > How difficult was Teri Hatcher to work w...

How difficult was Teri Hatcher to work with?

She's on this list of the 8 Most Demanding Hollywood Stars. Here's some insight of her antics while working on Lois & Clark:

I don't know about on set with Lois & Clark but she allegedly pulled the same stunt with her salary on Dean Cain she later used on her co-stars on Desperate Housewives.

Reportedly Cain and she agreed to re-negotiate their contracts together but she jumped the gun and re-negotiated hers with the proviso she would always be paid more than Cain. (and not just a $1 but I think a certain %)

On TND there were numerous reports that she was difficult, not coming out of her trailer for hours on a production that was already months behind schedule. They had to do the slap scene about 25 times because she kept messing up her lines and Brosnan's face had to be iced between takes. The rumor was she did it on purpose because she didn't like his five o'clock shadow in the kissing scene. Brosnan who seems to have a good word to say about almost everyone said when asked about her that he was sure her mother liked her.

Later it was revealed she was pregnant and every made excuses and felt bad for criticizing her but looking at her history she was pretty much acting as usual.

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So I guess, you don't have any real insight or answers regarding Teri Hatcher either!



Are you *beep* serious!? I just asked a simple question based on the rumors that I've heard regarding Teri Hatcher's professionalism! Why do you have to get so defensive and condescending!?


I was not aware of this trivia and I have no opinion on Teri Hatcher as a person.
But after reading your quote (bolded part mostly), she does sound like a hard person to work with.

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down and a Wagging Finger of Shame


According to the trivia Teri Hatcher was pregnant at the time of filming and was very unpleasant to be around in the morning when they started shooting. Other than that I have no idea.
If she is difficult to work with when not pregnant I would think she was not easy not.
(I also remember reading that Pierce Brosnan said that she was her least pleasant co-star and that he regrets saying it as he didn't know she was pregnant at the time.)


But then, she was a Heigl-level pariah on the Desperate Housewives set. I can't speak for Lois & Clark.

It's very unsettling, given she had semi-famous appearances on Star Trek: TNG and Seinfeld, not to mention a decent role in Soapdish.

"If it's almost a sport...WE'VE GOT IT HERE."---ESPN 8, "The Ocho"


I think one of the reasons why they reduced Teri Hatcher's screentime on TND was to give more screentime to Michelle Yeoh due to Hatcher0s pregnancy during the shooting of TND.
