Questions (SPOILERS)

While this is the kind of film you shouldn't think too hard about, especially with the unfathomable science, I wondered first of all why the makers had to add the "No Escape" bit to the title, when Corbin Bernsen DOES escape from not just one tidal wave but two?

Then there's the scene where he and Julianne Philips hide out at the wrecked house. First up, since it's part of a disaster area, surely it would still be swarming with emergency crews, FEMA officials, police, or at the very least some kinds of guards to deter looters, etc? Then Corben warns Julianne not to light a fire because it will attract attention, but in the very next scene they've lit at least six candles?!

As for the guilty party's use of nuclear missiles, I'm not sure I got the explanation for this right, but he "traded" some knowledge for the materials? I mean, you don't just get your hands on enough nuclear material to make five or six missiles. So, whoever gave him the stuff, why would they not hire him to work for them? The script suggests he's a madman working for himself out of some kind of desire for revenge. If he had stolen the missiles, did no-one notice they were gone? If he had them made, where? And how? And since they're stored out in the open in his boathouse, why didn't he get radiation poisoning?

Again, suspending disbelief is a challenge with this movie, so I'll give the heroes a pass for figuring out the bad guy's computer passwords, but can we believe Bernsen, in a matter of a couple of minutes, could figure out the precise co-ordinates to re-program the two missiles to crash into the undersea mountains from "a different angle"? How would he even know the layout of those mountains to figure it out so the missiles still hit them?
