Better than Fargo

And I love the movie, Fargo.




I don't care for Fargo but this movie I can see over and over again. I also read the book.

It's a very underrated movie.

Billy Wilder Page, Play the Movie Smiley Game


This is much better than Fargo. ASP flows better with better characters, and it's a movie you can come back to more often. An over looked gem for sure..



Let me break it down for you guys:

Fargo - a smart movie about dumb people (besides Frances McDormand), making dumb decisions. A brilliant film, maybe the best of the '90s.

A Simple Plan - a dumb movie about dumb people, making dumb decisions. A mediocre film, and mostly forgettable.


A Simple Plan - a dumb movie about dumb people, making dumb decisions. A mediocre film, and mostly forgettable.

Absolutely spot on. It was full of dumb, annoying, unlikeable characters.


It was full of dumb, annoying, unlikeable characters.

And Fargo wasn't?

...if that was off, I'd be whoopin' your ass up and down this street. ~ an irate Tarantino



I couldn't agree more!

Hank & Jacob had consciences, something the characters in Fargo didn't have (other than Margie), which is what made them likable and realistic.

And let's face it, Jacob was phenomenal. His scene where he tricks Lou is reminiscent of Joe Pesci in the bar scene in Goodfellas.


Why do you call ASP a dumb movie. The plot is unique and smart. Its performances are superb. I like both movies.


I like both movies- but I've seen Fargo many more times. It's less a pure thriller and is imbued with large doses of black comedy...but not everyone's cup of tea. A Simple Plan also has great performances and plot line- great atmospheric cinematography and soundtrack. Both in my top 20.


It´s hard to tell which is better as they´re both quite perfect in their own way, finding their own logical - and ultimately inevitable-feeling - paths from hatching these seemingly perfect and simple plans to utter destruction. Fargo´s tendency towards the somewhat broadly comical can be taken both as an advantage or a disadvantage, but in the end, A Simple Plan certainly feels more devastating. What an organically developed tragedy that seamlessly grows out of the characters.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


^the above post sums up my thoughts better than I could have done.


Indeed it is.


Better than Fargo


also, i think this film (A Simple Plan) feels a bit like a Coen Brothers film to.

-Fargo = 7/10 (it's good but it's not even amongst the Coen Bro's most memorable films)
-A Simple Plan = 8/10

My Vote History ...



Not even close. This film is predictable, contrived, and stilted. It is about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the groin.

Fargo, well . . . let's just say that I STRONGLY disagree with your assertion and leave it at that.


A Simple Plan (1998) -- 7.5/10
Fargo (1996) -- 8.5/10

Fargo wins because it's darkly funny, has more memorable characters and a likable protagonist in Frances McDormand.
