torrent upload

Can anyone with the dvd, upload this as a torrent pls? So that the rest of us could perhaps download this beautiful film? It would be greatly appreciated!

Treason like Beauty is in the eye of the beholder


Please buy the offical DVD. People worked long and hard to get this released if people keep downloading then what's the point!
If you want to see it that badly BUY IT


We don't have the dvd here in the Philippines, if it was available, I would've bought it.

Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down until it passes.


The only site that you can buy the DVD from ships worldwide. Sorry but there is no excuse for downloading this movie.


Well, you seem to be full of yourself, dictating to others your very privilege & secluded lifestyle. International Shipping? Sorry, but paying $100 for shipping is out of the picture, it may be beans to you, but here - $100 is GOLD (that's a whole semester's college tuition!)! Whatever, I won't bother any more w/ the likes of you, what a narrow-minded self deluded person you are.

PS. I already have the dvd, w/c I paid for, if anyone is looking for this film, ignore the TROLL & just post (don't let her intimidate you), I'm sure the one who helped me can help you as well.

Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down until it passes.


There is no need to get nasty and show your true colours is there! You're just showing yourself up. Was I nasty in anyway? NO I wasn't, you on the other hand have insulted me and been a general pain in the rear with your childiosh reply.
$100 for shipping is not true at all I have no idea what you were looking at but I'm from the UK and I bought the DVD, shipping was no where near THAT much.

You are the TROLL love not me! If you download you are ruining the chance for HONEST people to own this movie. How about a bit of support if you are a fan of the movie?
I'll tell you why because you are lazy and want things for free!! that says a lot about you doesn't it!


Yep I just double checked.

Shipping (FIRST CLASS) to PH $4.95
I guess that makes you are liar AND a stirrer huh? that must take up a lot of your time.


Yuna, sorry, but you have one hell of a chip on your shoulder. While I'm sure you're a big fish on this particular message board *snicker* you are not the queen sh!t you'd like to be.
I'm sure the owners of the copyright on this movie appreciate your efforts to stop illegal downloading. The rest of us are LAUGHING.


Hmm getting friends to post nasty remarks just shows you both up, you are very, very sad and very, very lazy.

Please do carry on insulting me if it gives your sad lives meaning, it really does say a lot about you if you feel you have to join in.

And if you actually used your eyes, something that must be a huge effort given how lazy you are, you'd see I hardly post at all, gee that puts your insults down the river huh. And again use your eyes, I never said I was against downloading just that if people really want to see this movie, enjoy it and are a fan they should buy it because it took a lot of hard work to get it onto DVD...I don't think that's unreasonable, I'm not forcing people to buy it merely giving the facts that you don't have to download a crappy avi copy anymore, what they do is up to them in the end.

And you also have a very large chip on your shoulder if you think you have to stick your nose in and give your two cents just to insult someone because they called out your friend...very sad.

Please do go ahead and download the movie, I really don't give a rats behind what people like you do, you are lazy, freeloaders.


There is no 'Legal' DVD of this movie,and never has been! If there was,it would be available at Amazon!

Stolen Women: Captured Hearts
Additional Information

* This movie was never released on dvd![1]


Yes there is, the company that made the movie, Lifetime is the only place you can buy it from. Please go to the offical website. Amazon is not the be all and all of DVDs.

Wikipedia is not to be trusted, everyone knows that the info on there is mostly iffy at best and the DVD has not had a worldwide or general release it can only be bought from the offical website. As I said go to the offical website for Lifetime.


January, 2011: This movie can be seen on Youtube (9 chapters).




As much as I'd like to believe in that "buy it" thing of yours, I've always been the person who believed that films are art and art should be free. There are people who can't afford even 1 dollar to buy/see a movie.
Sad, really, if you think about it.
I think back to when I was still working. I made ca 6000 a month which would make like 400 dollars a month! Now, if you take off all the taxes, you're lucky, if you have 100 dollars left for the entire month to buy food. You should, however, concider, that when in America you can buy breakfast for 1 dollar, in Estonia it doesn't even buy you a cup of coffee.
How on Erath would I have the money to buy that DVD?
And does that make me less of a person just because I live in country that is more interested in buying a car for government payed by the government (which costs like 1'000'000) than it is interested in the children which just happens to be the future of us all.
I'm sorry, I cannot feel any respect (or any other feeling accept hate and wrath) for a country such as this.
This post will be most likely deleted for the government would not like to have something like this up here. But for those of you who get the chance to read it before it is gone - please, there are people out there less fortunate that you. Do not blame the torrent download, there simply aren't people who could afford to buy the movie.
Does that really mean that they don't deserve to see it????

In case any of you get chance, save this text for it may not be around for much longer.

Question everything, trust no one.


> As much as I'd like to believe in that "buy it" thing of yours, I've always
> been the person who believed that films are art and art should be free. There
> are people who can't afford even 1 dollar to buy/see a movie.

That it the basic flaw in your logic - the time when movies were "art" is long gone. Today they are, generally speaking, commercial items. Pretty much nobody from the bunch who create them (the writers, producers, director, the company releasing it, not to mention the actors) is interested in their cultural value, only in the commercial. If some cultural value comes with the movie then great, but that's just a bonus, not the main goal. If it wasn't then the people who worked on the movie would ask no fee from their work and/or the movie would be released through the Internet Archive of The Pirate Bay for free with a comment that a physical copy is also available for a small fee. There are *real* filmmakers out there who do exactly that.

So to summarize it: the makers of the film are those who answer your "Does that really mean that they don't deserve to see it?" question with "Yes!" Why argue with them? *They* are the ones who set up the rules - eighter pay for the movie or don't watch it. Show what you think of this policy and don't buy their movie, don't pirate their movie, don't act as if it was anything more than a pack of milk in the supermarket. Because that's exactly what it is - a pack of milk in the supermarket.


You have a good point there. If you can't afford it, look past it.
Anyway, that was simply a thought that came into my head last night, I have never agreed with that kind of greedy behavior. But there are people who are somewhat different. For example, in Estonia there is a band that put teir own cd to internet for other people to download. That way everybody could enjoy their music, even though I don't. Still very interesting...

Question everything, trust no one.


What's sad is that this other poster who was hassling me didn't even bother to check the date of my original post. The OP was made before the official dvd came out & soon after I wrote that OP, someone here offered to sell me an unofficial dvd w/c I had to ship internationally to the Philippines (& all this happened before the official dvd came out). & what's even sadder is just because a few posters here did not side w/ her hateful tirade, she automatically assumed I had gathered them to take up my cause against her. I don't even know these other posters & I apologize that you had to suffer through this other one's ramblings.

I do agree w/ your assessment of art, I think art should be free to a certain extent, or at least art & education should be put in proper context. I live in a country where a dollar is equivalent to Php43.00 that's a hefty price there. The only ones unable to understand why free-sharing is popular are those who are privileged, spoiled & have a limited world view. They're unable to see beyond their backyard of comfort where everything comes easy to them. They do not realize that people have varying opinions, states & POVs that differs from theirs. They base everything on their spoiled lives because they are unable or have limited resources to understand & empathize that not everyone lives in such a condition. But because of it, I am grateful that I am less bigoted & fascist-minded than some here, & it is due to my upbringing & my culture that allows me to see beyond my means, beyond my small little world & beyond my own limitations as an empathetic individual.



Oh do shut up, stop scraping for sympathy. My argument, my dear, was that FANS had campaigned to get this out on DVD, we worked hard, your original post was posted WELL after you could buy it. If you wanted the DVD so much why not buy it, why download it? Why not support the film if you enjoy it?! It's not a well known blockbuster, it's a small budget movie and doesn't it deserve respect because you enjoy it???

You now can't buy this DVD because, well the sales went crap and they decided not to have the DVD for sale anymore... and guess whose torrenting the only decent copy... ME! So that puts your 'I'm trying to censor your right to torrent stuff' rant and your free art rant too!
And love, it was your friend, it was a tad obvious.

I mean, I'm sorry, but do you honestly think you have a right to view art for free?! When has that EVER been the case? In Ancient times you PAID to go watch a play, it's not different now. Are you seriously saying that just because you don't make much money you should get things for free? Does the world really owe you? Why, it doesn't owe anyone else!! I may agree with that it it was food, warmth etc and things you NEED to live but not something that is in essence a luxury!
I buy maybe one DVD every few months, I save up to buy it and I save hard!
Also you are basically saying people who make 'art' wether that be movies, paintings etc shouldn't get paid for it because you want it free???? How selfish!!
Stolen Women Captured Hearts was NOT made on a big budget, with well known over paid actors, it was a small budget movie for TV and you are saying just because you don't want to save up those people shouldn't get paid for their work???? They should just give it to you for FREE!!!

Don't start going on about art either (only directed at above poster) or that I'm spoiled, I work two jobs and I work damn hard and long for my money, I SAVE for what I want to buy and don't expect to get everything for free, I'm working class and I'm proud of it, I don't think I deserve anything for free and neither should you! And let me ask you this, are you telling me you'd be happy with a crappy avi that's all fuzzy over a proper, clean DVD? Well then, you may be but other fans aren't and if you are going to outright attack me at least have the balls to reply to me so I know it eh.

You are the one with the limited view, you want everything for nothing, with no work and no respect! You have NO respect for the work others put in and no respect for what you claim to 'love' and 'enjoy.'
No one else here was referring to me anyway, so why bring me into it? Because I made you feel bad for freeloading? Because I told it like it was? Because you had no real come back to me saying you are greedy and can't work for things and hold no respect for what others work for?
I think you need to take a long look at yourself.
I have NO problem torrenting or downloading anything if I can't go out and buy it for a decent price BUT if you can buy it, if you want it, you should SAVE up for it like everyone else does and if you can't do that accept that what you are doing is shady and keep it to yourself!

EDIT: Just wanted to add, this whole thing was over two years ago, why on earth are you still whining about how hard done by you are by me and trying to rally for support over something so old???!!! I feel really sorry for you, that you can't let stuff go. But do not attack me on the sly if you have something to say, say it to me directly!

"Never bite into an apple without knowing what lies within..."
