MovieChat Forums > Steel (1997) Discussion > Dear Hollywood....

Dear Hollywood....

Instead of remaking films like the Crow (The first one with Brandon Lee), Which IMO is pointless, Why dont you remake this instead. This and other *beep* movies that really DO need IMPROVEMENT. The Crow, was a damn near perfect adaptation, or sorry, excuse me, i shouldn't say "perfect", because it had its flaws. But it was a GREAT film none the less.

This aswell as a handful of others (Spawn, Supergirl, Etc...) are just screaming to be remade. Steel could have been great, keep him tied with Supes, upgrade the special effects, get capable writers, preferably someone from DC comics, and cast a REAL actor, and taa-daa youve got yourself a summer blockbuster.



I agree. I think Steel could be the DC equivalent of Iron Man if handled properly. They should give Superman a cameo and have Metallo as the main villain. It would help sell the character and flesh out the DC movie universe as well. Everyone and their brother is showing up in Dawn of Justice. Why not have a crossover here as well?
