Pretty Decent !

God knows why people hate it , it has everything that adds up to a good action flick, it has good continuity, good action scenes and no dull moments ,jason patric, dafoe and bullock do their jobs nicely, it definitely dosent match up its predecessor which was an extraordinary movie, it is still very much worth a watch


You forgot one person. Brian McCardie. He made the end scene with the boat crashing through the docks great.

"Five knoooooooots!
Four knoooooooots!
Two knoooooooots!

That scene is hands down my favorite of the movie because of that guy. I always get a kick out of him calling out the speed of the boat.


i thought the SoundTrack of the movie was great as well, full of reggae and also couple of songs by UB40, absolute gem


Well, there is the fact the whole unstoppable boat bit should've ended in less then five minutes since all ships have a manual shut off for the fuel supply. No fuel, no movement. And that's just the start of the technical issues. Plus, other then dying, the villain pretty much wins. He gets the gems(if I remember correctly), crashes the boat into a town, probably rendering it impossible to return to service, causing millions of dollars worth of damage, blew up a tanker, and killed the captain of the ship and probably a few more people in the scene where they ran down boat after boat and then hit the city. If he hadn't died, he'd have been one of the most successful villains ever in an action movie.




Agreed. The laws of physics certainly don't apply to the events of this movie. First, Alex would probably have been seriously injured from turning over the bike in the beginning. But not one injury occurs.

At the end when the seaplane's pontoon (landing gear) came loose they just kept going like a tordepo toward the oil tanker. They would probably make it 20 to 30 feet max before the pontoon ran out of energy and stopped. Not to mention they probably would not have been able to stay on the pontoon in the first place.

The bad guy (Willem, I forgot his character's name) takes off on the waverunners toward the seaplane. Meanwhile, everything that happens with the ship occurs. Then somehow, Alex catches up with them in a boat. I mean, I know a boat is faster than the waverunners but come on. They probably had at least a 15 minute head start before Alex could commandeer the boat, much less catch up with Willem.

Completely bogus logic at work. The fact that they try to make it a "happy ending" is laughable. There are tens if not hundreds of people dead (from the crash alone), and probably oil spilling into the ocean. Which means between the damage the ship has done and the oil tanker explosion, that area is going to lose millions of dollars and probably ruin the tourist industry in that area for some time. Many people will get laid off and if they ever do get that area back to stature, they'll have to spend more millions on PR to bring people back. The cruiseline is probably going to go out of business and people will lose their jobs there too.

This disaster will have long term negative affects on that area, so by the time Alex and Sandra (forgot her character name too) are celebrating their one year anniversary, the people on that island will still be suffering.

Bravo idiot writers.


Well if you ignore all the over the top and fictional stuff; the movie is very enjoyable and fun. I liked it. I didn't feel like I wasted time or money and it kept me entertained the entire time.

You just have to watch this with an open-mind and be irrational and you'll probably like it. I think the biggest thing is that Keenu Reaves is missing and people rated the movie low due to that.


I appreciate that everyone will have their own views (and rightly so) and I mean no offence but your comment made me laugh and think "Well if you ignore the fact that the bread's moldy and the bacon's burnt, it makes a great bacon sandwich"

I didn't rate the movie badly due to the lack of KR, I just found it impossible to be get into the film when there were so many errors - How can I get tense about whether or not they can stop the ship when I know that all it would really take is a semi-competent gerbil to stop it?

I'm sorry we disagree but in my opinion this really was an absolutely awful movie - so much so that I use it as a comparison nowadays - "Not as bad as Speed 2 but still pretty bad"




It was great just as good as the original speed!

You're a survivor arent you sidney?


This movie is really overly hated. It's an action movie to watch and I agree with whoever said the soundtrack was good, I like a lot of it!
