MovieChat Forums > Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997) Discussion > What Speed 2 should have been about!

What Speed 2 should have been about!

I was in high school when Speed 2 came out...and I hated it immensely. But it got me thinking about what could have been a better story and set up. For what it's worth, the scenario could still work for a potential Speed 3 or, at this point, an entire Speed reboot:

The Setup: A computer controlled amusement park (very Disney-like) is amping up its hi-tech abilities to allow for even more computer controlled capabilities and their newest, wildest roller coaster is having its grand opening. As such, there are various people of importance (politicians, etc) who get the honor of being the first ones to take the ride and it's a very big media event. Low and behold, our villain and his hired mercs finagle their way in and take control of the main computer, thus having complete control over the new coaster. You see, the main villain wants X amount of money for the lives of the poor folks on the coaster. Using a programmed chip, the villain sets the coaster on an unusual setting: the coaster will speed up and slow down at random intervals and at random areas along its track, thus making a basic rescue of the hostages almost impossible.

The Heroes: LA's elite SWAT team is called in to rescue the hostages. This could include Jack Traven or an entirely new character as they did with Alex Shaw in Speed 2. They have to try to climb up to and board the coaster, all without knowing when it will suddenly take off at different speeds. This, too, could lead to a few grisly deaths for some of the SWAT guys as well as the hostages.

The Climax: Our hero, after effectively rescuing the hostages and destroying the coaster tracks the final villain into a funhouse. What follows is a bit of cat and mouse until the villain is ultimately killed. Roll Credits.

This just a rough idea but I believe it would have made a helluva better sequel than Speed 2: Cruise Control.


I prefer my idea of it being a situation on an airplane.

Then you could have called it Speed 2: Air Conditioning.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


A roller coaster? A you retarded? That's the worst idea I have ever heard in my life.

Why would a someone have to sneak into an amusement park?

Why would politicians ride a roller coaster as a media stunt?

Why would the LAPD attempt to board a moving roller coaster?

Would they just jump at it and die?

What is the villains motive?

Is there a standard rescue protocol the LAPD has for a coaster going normal speeds?

What is the significance of the fun house?

Why is our hero at a carnival?

Can someone jut derail a roller coaster? I'm sure there are fail safes in place so that doesn't happen?

Are "mercs" really necessary? It sounds like a one man job.

How is the carnival getting more tech savvy by adding a roller coaster?

Answer me. Seriously.


That is a horrible idea. That could be one scenario like Speed 1's elevator scene, but the whole movie to playout in one location amusement park with stopped Rollercoaster sounds extremely boring... Chasing villain in fun house ending is so cliche too. Airplane would be more exciting but there's way too many hijacking movies already.

Considering how Speed 2 film was more of a joke, they should have done the second time with a school bus instead with annoying little kids we audience have to deal with for 2 hours and instead... Also it would be multiple school buses, not just one, so some buses explode and don't make it. It can be tragic and we watch and see which buses would survive. XD
