MovieChat Forums > The Spanish Prisoner (1998) Discussion > The club membership certificate continui...

The club membership certificate continuity problem (spoiler)

Well, I've got the movie on right now and it really did say "Club Membership" in the fake club, and Consulate of Venezuela when the FBI waves it in his face and says it was an asylum application.

Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.


Maybe they did a quick "copy & paste" job.


Do you really think that the filmmakers would make such a conspicuous mistake?

The signature on the asylum application was forged, perhaps copied from the club membership application. But because they looked so similar, Joe figured he had signed the asylum application before. He remembers he signed something similar a few days/weeks ago, and knows that he didn't look at it too closely then, so could he really be sure that this is not the document that he signed. . .?


shouldnt be a problem to exchange logo and text with a sticker which is hardly visible.
i am sure such a method exist


Yes I'm sure that would be very easy to arrange.


Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.
