I'm very very confused!

I know the alternate blond Helen died after rewinding that scene with the heart monitor.

I'm just confused, can someone please explain what happened.

Did she become one person at the end?
I never saw this movie when it came out, I still remember the previews though. I was given the impression that brunette Helen catches up with that one second to Blonde Helen and then they eventually become one.

LOL Someone please help, dying for an explanation.


i believe the movie was just showing two perspectives on how one simple thing can change your entire life. she didn't really die it was just showing that if (i havent seen the movie in a while) the one thing had happened, in the end she would have died. but she ended up not dying b/c in reality that one thing did not happen....i hope that helped...?

don't be hatin.


Thanks for the reply, I think it helps a bit.
I read the back of the DVD case and it says that the two stories would some how merge with each other, I think that's what threw me off.


The back of the vcr tape box or dvd box states quite plainly that she is living parallel lives. so youknow to expect two different but similar stories.

When she misses the subway, she stops for a second and seems to be saying, why couldn't I do that over and catch the subway?
And we see her rewind herself to go back and not be stopped by the child on the stairs.

Nothing happens until she tries to get on the subway. After she misses it and gets hurt is not when it starts. It starts when she can't get on.
We know from the very beginning we are seeing two parallel lives. And yes, I believe we live many lives at one time. At any given moment we change our timeline because of decisions we make in a split second...

haven't you ever said "If only I hadn't done this or that..."



When Blonde Helen died, that alternate world continued without her in it. James and Anna would be sad, but they would move on and live their lives.

The world that we saw at the end of the movie was Brown Helen after the accident, moving on with her life. She meets James in the elevator, and her recent experiences cause her to make a different response to the Monty Python question.

There was no "merging" of timelines. We just see the next few minutes of Brown Helen's universe.


I have read that many people think blonde helen died, but that is not how i see it at all.
thouth out the story you see two diffrent stories , one if she missed the subway and one if she dident.
As I see it, londe helen dident die at the end, the two stories just kind of melted in to one, and went back to brunette helen , what really happened.

This is one of my favorite movies.


I'm assuming the implication is that the story will continue in a similar way to how the story of blonde helen panned out after she found her bf cheating. i.e brown helen meets John Hannah as she is leaving hospital, she will dust herself off, get the blonde hairdo and meet up with him again.


simply long haired helen was the real sotry where she nver caught her fella shagging and never met james

the short blonde helen was what COULD have happened and when she died it showed that after she still met james and sometimes the long route is the way to go


I had always thought it was two separate but equally possible story lines, but now I think bbcgull is right. After all, the film begins and ends with brunette Helen. Otherwise it would have been a 'Damn, I wish I hadn't caught that train' film.
