The James character...

Is the character of James as first encountered by Helen little more than an annoying prat especially as she's at a low ebb having just been fired?
I can understand her feelings changing as she gets to know him but I can't help feeling that realistically she wouldn't have given him the time of day when he starts rabbiting away to her on the Tube.


One of the most irritating tossers who has ever been portrayed on film.


Yeah, he sounds like he tries too hard to be funny and witty. Thousands of them around. Tossers!


Noo! I'd find him funny, which would ultimately give him some sort of appeal. Anybody who can make me giggle would always get a thumbs up from me.


Lol in reality she wouldn't probably have given him the time of day cuz he's one of those irritating wierdos who won't stop chatting to you on journeys. Not John Hannah's best character tbh but not quite as annoying as his character in the mummy


Yeah but remember he wasn't just an annoying fellow on the tube. He'd been kind to her in the lift by picking up her earring for her. If he hadn't done that, I doubt Helen would have spoken to him at all. She probably would have gotten up and moved to another seat.

"If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be."


I agree with Isolde. Helen was in a bad place, and he was able to lift her out of that, temporarily. Not a bad thing. Probably didn't hurt that he was slightly adorable with his enthusiasm. :)

"I choose vodka. And Chaka Khan."
