MovieChat Forums > Sliding Doors (1998) Discussion > 'you had a lucky escape'...said the nurs...

'you had a lucky escape'...said the nurse

lucky escape?

she fell down some stairs! The idea that this was a dangerous scenario just deluded me throughout the whole ending.

Did anyone else agree?



What got me about that line was how horribly insensitive it was! Lucky escape? The woman just lost her baby, for crying out loud! That nurse was a heartless b*tch!



I see your point, but I didn't take it that way when I heard it. I was just thinking about her escape from death.

my god its full of stars


The nurse referring to her "lucky escape" was escaping death.

Gwenyth understood the nurse, but her own comment referred to her escaping a bad relationship.


Falling down stairs IS dangerous. Ever hear of a broken neck? She escaped one of those, so I'd say that was pretty lucky.


I think that she was thinking that she had a 'lucky escape' in ditching that loser boyfriend. And not being tangled up with him and a pregnancy makes that even luckier.

Tenser, said the Tensor.
Tension, apprehension, and dissension have begun.


And u think 'falling down some stairs' can't be fatal? A broken back? A broken neck? Head injuries?
