MovieChat Forums > Sliding Doors (1998) Discussion > Why does she say she 'knew' a boat race ...

Why does she say she 'knew' a boat race would be going on?

I watched this last night for the first time in ages.
I've never noticed before but when one Helen is walking by the river while the other is cheering on the boat race she say something like 'I knew there would be a boat race going on'.
The way I've always seen this film was that it is simply showing two seperate stories about what could have happened to this women...not that they are both actually happening in some multiverse type set up which overlap.

Why does she say that?


I've always thought it was because, in the other timeline, she was actually there. So Helen is having a sense of deja vu. Just a moment where the two time lines overlap though, probably no big significance.


Just like when they both fell faint at the same time...I is sort of like deja vu....


And also in the lift at the end when she knows what he's going to say

Chihiro: You don't remember your name?
Haku: No, but for some reason I remember yours.


I can honestly say I've had moments where I've thought 'I really fancy a chinese tonight' and then people in my house have actually come and asked me if I want one, or I had a really strong sense that £250,000 is in Box 13 on Deal or No Deal and it was (only time I've ever had that feeling and I was right), or once when I caught the train back from Birmingham and thought it would be funny to see this guy I liked at the time waiting at the station - he was. I didn't 'know' any of that, but I thought it and then it happened. Purely coincidence, of course, but it seems significant because we just ignore everything we think might happen that doesn't.

Helen may have just had a flippant 'O I wonder if there'll be a boat race today', who knows she may have known subconsciously because she saw it advertised somewhere, and then when she sees it she comments because she was 'right'.


what happened with the guy you liked? Did you ever get anywhere?


If you watch REALLY carefully you will notice they show you the boat with three people cheering (one being Helen #1) then they pan to Helen #2 walking on the street with her friend and when she makes the comment about knowing there'd be a boat race they cut to the boat and there are only two people cheering (Helen #1 is not there) it seems the two separate universes do intersect for a moment there. Otherwise I thought the two were separate except for some random coincidences and shared memories (boat race, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition). Cheers.

This means my post finished two seconds ago.


Although, I think the film would have been better just to show 2 outcomes of "what if", but the scene was touching on a multiverse.


there is also the scene after she has been sacked. Gerry the brown haired Helen who did not catch him to the bar and Helen sits right next to James.

The other brown haired Helen is sitting at the end of the bar getting drunk. We only see Helen relevant to either story line.

Farewell,and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you.
