MovieChat Forums > Sliding Doors (1998) Discussion > 2 timer Boyfriend was Miscast

2 timer Boyfriend was Miscast

The boyfriend was such a dork, skittish, loser, it was so unlikely he would get any woman, let alone 2 hot ones.

The character should have been a good looking businessman who was a snake.


Wrong for many reasons.

Firstly, Paltrow and Triplehorne aren't particularly attractive. They're certainly not ugly, but Paltrow in particularly is what I'd call a very nicely presented plain Jane.

Secondly, the funny nerdy Scottish guy is short, scrawny and certainly in no way conventionally handsome.

If they'd cast some handsome "beefcake" as the cheating boyfriend, many (female) viewers would be saying she should forgive him rather than pursuing things with a clearly sub-alpha man like James. It's a sad fact that they won't admit, but most women would take a cheating, abusive good looking boyfriend over an average (and certainly below average) looking guy who treats them much better. So they'd be secretly pulling for him to get back to the hypothetical hunky version of Gerry - which wouldn't particularly make the film work. The only way to make it work would be to make James (super) handsome and charming rather than quirky and charming. Which would just turn it into another stupid female fantasy film where two hunks fight over the one fairly ordinary girl.

Also, Gerry being a spineless, bumbling idiot was comic relief.


"If they'd cast some handsome "beefcake" as the cheating boyfriend, many (female) viewers would be saying she should forgive him rather than pursuing things with a clearly sub-alpha man like James. It's a sad fact that they won't admit, but most women would take a cheating, abusive good looking boyfriend over an average (and certainly below average) looking guy who treats them much better."

After reading this part, I came to the conclusion that you're, most likely, a sad, little, abandoned guy. Fyi, a lot of successful rom coms have this exact plot - "hunk" (as you call it) is a cheating jerk, so girl hooks up with quirky, funny, (and, sometimes)best friend. And who is the target audience that makes these movies a success? Those women that you see as shallow and pathetic.

And, for the record, I completely agree with the OP, Gerry was miscast, first of all because his acting is terrible in this film.


Agree with MaM. His acting was awful (his "surprised look" was truly dreadful). It seemed like they had written the part for Hugh Grant who could have got away with being charming, but deceitful. Gabriel Byrne in a different way would also have been perfect for the part.


Yessss, good point! Hugh Grant would've been perfect as Gerry. After all, this part is similar to Daniel, his character in Bridget Jones' Diary.


This part seems like it was written for Hugh!
He can do adorable, but also mumbling idiot, but still maintain that "thing" that might make 2 hot women go after him.
And him being a failed novelist who'd never finish the book - would suit him perfectly, as well as him being indecisive and unable to break up with anyone.


. . . and Triplehorne aren't particularly attractive.

Excuse me?


Wrong for a couple of reasons.

Paltrow and Tripplehorn are both very attractive, but that's a little beside the point.

Gerry being a spineless, bumbling idiot was comic relief.
...True and unfortunately came to dominate long -haired Helen's story.

He added nothing to it. We knew he was a heel right from the start and I think it was poor directorial judgement giving him so much onscreen time at the expense of Helen or some of the other characters. I would rather have seen more of Lydia. At least she had a bit of spine and spark.

IMO not so much miscast as overblown.


It's a sad fact that they won't admit, but most women would take a cheating, abusive good looking boyfriend over an average (and certainly below average) looking guy who treats them much better.

That's because it generally isn't true. It sounds like you're just bitter because somebody dumped you for being really boring or just terrible in bed. They probably opted to be alone and didn't tell you about it.
That or the other guy was just better in the sack and that's why they went back to them. Regardless, you can't just slander an entire gender just because you're too inept to keep the women in your life happy. I'm sure plenty of uglier-looking men don't have this problem.

This film would have made far more sense if Gerry had been played by someone who was either more charismatic or physically attractive - ideally if he'd been both - because there's just no way in hell that both Tripplehorn and Paltrow would waste valuable time on someone that pathetic. At least one of them would have seen sense long before anyone got pregnant.
I think the casting for James made sense however. I did find that character a little annoying though (something about guys who use Monty Python jokes as pickup lines that really bothers me) but I could at least understand why the Helen character would have been interested.

Also, Gerry being a spineless, bumbling idiot was comic relief.

Comic relief is supposed to be funny. He was not.
Indeed, I suspect that that was the point.


That's because it generally isn't true. It sounds like you're just bitter because somebody dumped you for being really boring or just terrible in bed. They probably opted to be alone and didn't tell you about it.

Assume much? Wrong on every count.

Tripplehorn and Paltrow would waste valuable time on someone that pathetic.

Both women were pathetic. One was fired for stealing liquor and the other was hung up on an oxygen thief attached to another woman.


Assume much? Wrong on every count.

Sure, keep deluding yourself. Why make the effort to become a semi-decent human being when you can just pretend that everyone else is the problem? It's obviously safer living in dreamworld so please, be my guest!

Both women were pathetic. One was fired for stealing liquor and the other was hung up on an oxygen thief attached to another woman.

I was referring to their physical appearances. No-one would ever believe women who look like they do would waste so much time on someone like Gerry (i.e., men lacking in looks, personality and wealth) when there are other options available to them. I mean, presumably both characters have mirrors in their homes? One would expect guys like Gerry, at best, to get the nice girls with low self-esteem or some poor girl they'd managed to get knocked-up earlier on in the relationship.

Saying that, Aaron_Lewis_Price's post further down the page actually makes a lot of sense, in my view. I hadn't seen the post before writing my own but the idea of the relationships having more to do with the women's dominance over Gerry than any of his actual qualities would explain this scenario a lot (which, admittedly makes Paltrow and Tripplehorn's characters appear all the more pathetic).


You sound like a guy. I know a lot of women are attracted to beef-cake, but women also like a guy who's charming, pays attention to them and makes them laugh. Guys are the ones who ogle every chick who seems hot and don't care whether she has brains and integrity.

I'm not a woman much less Deanna Durbin, but the old-time glam-shot appeals to me.


Lol I don't know about this. He actually reminded me of someone I had a semi 'thing' with in real life who looked similar (physically) and actually was as spineless and obnoxious as this guy. even the sad puppy dog woe-is-me look and was so infuriatingly indecisive.

I see another thread saying he was miscast, too. I guess to me it didn't seem that way at all because he reminded me of someone in real life in a somewhat similar situation.

You don't have to be drop dead gorgeous epic charmer to be a cheat or having an affair. I'm sure "average" guys do all the time, as well..


I love this film but like the OP I don't see how someone like Gerry would get a Jean Tripplehorn, unless her thing was the challenge of man-stealing.

And why would Gwyneth take a job selling sandwiches to support this loser?

Different casting may have helped.


I love this film but like the OP I don't see how someone like Gerry would get a Jean Tripplehorn, unless her thing was the challenge of man-stealing.

She may have been okay looking but think about it for a bit. She was a completely evil, humourless bitch. Can you imagine she'd be much fun to be around other than the occasional bonk, which was exactly what Gerry was using her for?


Exactly my thought. What a positive prow of a nose! Too hard to suspend belief.


The casting of Gerry was actually not miscast, I disagree while at first viewings of this film I might have agreed with the assumption of a miscast.

The sad reality in the real world, there are guys like him who do get the girls.
I have seen pretty even successful women in the real world, who date average looking plain Joe's, who look like they don't have anything to offer.

The thing with Gerry is that he obviously had his way of charming the likes of Helen and Lydia.

For example in the original universe Helen comes home, she's all depressed after being sacked and almost mugged. Gerry lifts her spirits up by taking her out drinking, karaoke and a meal.

Helen worked in a PR job, with a group of rather anxious men, who obviously didn't like her, probably a manpower thing.

When she came home, Gerry was probably the only person that was normal in her life, he didn't treat her like the men in her job. Thus in Helen's mind Gerry was somebody who appeared attractive to her.

As for Lydia I suspect it was more of a power thing, I got the sense that Lydia was very dominating wanting to be in control all the time, and she definitely had control and influence with Gerry who was definitely a soft touch.

Being a guy I don't know how women's minds works, but I know there are women out there that are attracted to the oddest of men. I guess that's what makes us human. It's not just about looks, but what that person has to offer on the inside, no matter how small or big that may be.


I think that it would have made a better movie, if a bit more formulaic, if the bad guy had been handsome; then her appreciation of a nicer, but less traditionally attractive, guy would have shown "growth" in her taste in men. It would also have enhance our "rooting" for the nicer, underdog, guy.


I totally disagree. I thought John Lynch as "Jerry" was superb as the loser boyfriend. How many women don't fall for a man with big, puppy-dog eyes? We may assume from his scenes with Jean Tripplehorn as "Lydia", perhaps Jerry was a tiger in bed? Anyway, I thought that Lynch provided great comic relief and I enjoyed all of his idiotic scenes, which proved what a total dickhead and jerk Jerry really was.


Agree with bcjjjs. John Lynch was fantastic in this role.

I think he's good looking with beautiful eyes (not that looks has anything to do with what ultimately attracts a woman) and he was funny as hell, nervously trying to juggle Helen and psycho-Lydia.

Incredibly well cast, and the most enjoyable element of the film for me.

So put some spice in my sauce, honey in my tea, an ace up my sleeve and a slinkyplanb



Agreed. Not only he wasn't good-looking, he was also a *beep* loser with no job. Are we supposed to believe he has two highly successful women in love with him?

Maybe he has a 10 inch dick who cums chocolate or something?


People are forgetting that story is set in London, UK - Europe, which is entirely different from N. America.

In the US, your job, bank account, house and your car (and possibly trophy wife), is what defines you. Which is why Europeans secretly and often openly despise Americans. They consider Americans too shallow.

In Europe, on the other hand, what defines you is your pedigree (e.g. If your grandfather is Herman Hesse, you could look like a roadkill and still get hottest dates), your culture/intellect (as depicted in the French film "Ridicule") and what you do - regardless of how much money it brings you (if any).

So if Jerry is writing some great prose and if he is from a certain milieu (pedigree), then with his not-too-bad looks he could be quite attractive to any women across the pond. And if he is great in the sack, well, then it works even in the US.


Paltrow was a good actress but never thought she was that good looking. Not ugly, just not good looking. She does somehow wrangle good looking men though. I think she was dating either Affleck or Pitt at the time, this was during their prime years. She must have a good personality. Do guys in Hollywood actually go for personality?
