The Hyenas

Whatever happen to them? Shouldn't they be in this movie too? Also, Simba should have told Zira that the hyenas had killed Scar.

"Did you think that I would harm her?"-The Phantom



Well if you re-watch the first film, you will see that as the Hyenas turn on Scar they are all quickly engulfed in flames so the Hyenas never actually killed Scar. They would have but were killed by the massive wall of fire that almost covered up Pride Rock.


The hyenas DID kill Scar. The flames appeared to block out the brutal sight and sound of Scar being eaten alive (cause that's what hyenas do).


I remember in a scene with Nuka & Vitani in the Elephant Graveyard, Nuka says something like "This place has been deserted since those hyenas ran off..." I guess that since they killed Scar and Simba retook the Pride Lands, the hyenas would've returned to their previous lands. Then, if Simba hadn't decided to drive them off even further, Zira and the Outlanders very well could have out of either A.) Revenge for killing Scar (If Zira even knew that) or B.) Claiming territory to call their own after Simba banished them. Otherwise, I imagine the hyenas are in some other part of Africa living off scraps (Or possibly better) as they were before TLK.

Men go to jail. DOGS GET PUT DOWN.



They most likely died with scar killed by the flames.


Even if he did tell her, she would still he was responsible for his death. She would probably think Scar would still be alive if Simba had never came back in the first place. Being that devoted to Scar she was not a lion to be reasoned with.

Little Mikey Myers that lived across the street.


Nuka mentioned that they ran off.
