MovieChat Forums > Selena (1997) Discussion > Would this movie have been made if.........

Would this movie have been made if.......

.....Selena was shot but SURVIVED and recovered and overcame to become even more succesful?? Granted it is obvious that if she was never shot at all this movie would have never been made , but getting back to my question, does anyone have a thoughts?

Boston and Philly love to slander us, but they don't have as many fans as us


"...This film should not have been made only because of the fact that she should still be alive and she should live to be 99, and in the 99th year maybe someone would turn around and say, 'you know I would like to do your life story to inspire people,' this film will inspire people "
-Edward James Olmos


I say no. I think the death and trial really became a media circus because of the advent of the circus of the OJ trial, which was around the same time. Had it not been for that, I don't think her death or coverage would have went outside Texas or Mexico. Selena was not savvy or enterprising in such a way to profit from such a survival. On the other hand, her father WAS...

I don't procrastinate...I reschedule.


Quit dogging Abraham.

